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  1. Tai chi Qigong

    Tai Chi for Health can help older people to improve their balance, core strength and overall wellbeing. This is an activity that can also help to reduce the risk of falls among older people.

  2. Help an older person this Winter

    you have an older friend or relative close to you, our guide Winter wrapped up may help them prepare for the winter season. Find out the simple things you can do to support them.

  3. Age Cymru

    Age Cymru is the largest charity working with and for older people in Wales. Our vision is a society which offers all people in Wales the best experience of later life.

  4. Advocacy Services in Denbighshire.pdf

    guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA CADMHAS - Conwy Denbighshire Mental ... Health Advocacy Service 01745 813999 Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want support with care and support planning, assessment, review, or safeguarding ? If so they have

  5. CRS_Dec15_Financial_Advice_Market_Review.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... consultation The Financial Advice Market Review was set up to examine how financial advice could work better for consumers, particularly those without significant wealth. It aims to ensure the regulatory and legislative

  6. Cascade Training Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    July 2015 Prepared by: Sarah Alden Andrea Wigfield Erika Kispeter CIRCLE (Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities) University of Leeds 2 Contents Executive Summary ...... ... 45 9. Impact on the wider health and social care system .................................................... 52 10. Study limitations and suggestions for future evaluations ........................

  7. Citizens Voice Body consultation response - Age Cymru March 2023 (1).pdf

    1 Consultation response Establishment of the Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care, Wales Welsh Government March 2023 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives ... quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We welcome

  8. FAW 2019. Prevent a fall - Take Action Today. Eng.pdf

    an older patient Ask them if they’ve fallen recently or fear falling Help them take action today Care & Repair Cymru Ask Today Does your patient have a history of falling? (If not a medical problem) • ... Suggest to patients to look for a local strength and balance focused exercise opportunity such as Tai Chi using or contact Age Cymru Advice Line on 08000 223 444 for other exercise opportunities

  9. IPA and IAA handout.docx

    Assistance (IAA) and Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) both have key roles in the new approach to care and support. Staff working in IAA services may need to refer some people to an IPA service. What process ... (Wales) Act (“the Act”) requires local authorities to consider whether an individual may have a need for Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) at every step of their journey through the social services

  10. FS63.pdf

    protection schemes 22 14 Financial help for people renting 23 15 Landlord registration / landlord and letting agent licensing 24 15.1 Rent Smart Wales Code of Practice for ... private landlords and agents 25 15.2 ‘Fit and proper person’ test for private landlords and agents 25 15.3 If your private landlord isn’t registered

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