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  1. RB_March14_Age_and_productivity_briefing.pdf

    productive in the workplace as they age. For many years this view has driven both employer and government policies towards the 50+ cohort – however, a growing evidence base increasingly proves this view ... assumptions about health, skills and other aspects crucial to working life. In general, there is a growing body of more recent research showing that declines in health have minimal effect on the workplace. Other

  2. FS75.pdf

    0800 023 4567 An independent body to settle disputes between consumers and businesses providing financial services. Wales: Official government website with information about ... Telephone 0300 200 3300 Contact HMRC for information about taxes. Insolvency Service (The) Telephone 0300 678 0015 (Insolvency helpline) Provides information

  3. Autumn_Budget_2017_briefing.pdf

    people are summarised in this paper. You can see the full Budget documents here: Age UK’s media response “At Age UK we worry most of all about ... they need, already disgracefully at more than a million in England, ratcheting up. Last week the Government announced it would publish a Green Paper on social care next summer but we fear for the state of

  4. Inquiry into Human Rights in Wales - February 2017.pdf

    1 1 | P a g e Consultation Response Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee National Assembly for Wales Inquiry into Human Rights in Wales February 2017 Age Cymru is the leading ... issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee’s Inquiry into Human Rights in Wales. The impact of the UK’s withdrawal from European

  5. Envisage 2017 E.pdf

    older people, representatives from universities, housing associations, voluntary groups and religious bodies shared their ideas to combat loneliness. We continue to work with a range of stakeholders to share ... Consideration is given to the effectiveness and impact of these projects in the light of Welsh Government’s ‘National Outcomes Framework’ and other policy areas. Our final article draws on an international

  6. FS12.pdf

    your contributions and attracts tax relief, which is collected by the insurance company from the government. You do not have to do anything about tax relief, unless you are a higher rate taxpayer, in which ... does not reduce your actual taxable income in the same way your own personal allowance does. The government has changed the law to enable those who had not claimed this allowance for whatever reason before

  7. CRS_Sept13_Evidence_to_MCA_Select_Committee.pdf

    functioning of the MCA DoLs, but it is of concern that this is currently the only route via which the Government routinely can monitor the Act’s implementation. The level of knowledge and expertise in the MCA ... UK is calling for an amendment to the Care Bill to designate all regulated care services as public bodies for the purposes of the HRA. 8.4 The parity principle in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 aims

  8. Life on a low income - FINAL - E.pdf

    Credit in 2003 meant a real terms increase in the incomes of many older people. In Wales, Welsh Government policies such as free bus travel and assistance for people to improve the energy efficiency of ... vulnerable to price increases. Recent increases in the level of basic State Pension thanks to the UK Government’s ‘triple lock’ policy have been very welcome. However they mask the fact that the State Pension

  9. Income and Finances policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    retire. However, currently 112,000 older people in Wales are estimated to live in poverty.1 The UK Government have been taking forward reforms to the State Pension for future generations of pensioners and ... must ensure that their products and services meet the needs and aspirations of all age groups, and government and regulators must especially ensure that this is the case for essential goods and services such

  10. FS14.pdf

    Dealing with an estate Page 4 of 28 1 Recent developments For deaths on or after 1 January 2022, the government introduced measures widening when full Inheritance Tax accounts are not required to be delivered ... If there is no valid will, the deceased person has died ‘intestate’. Laws known as intestacy rules govern how their estate should be distributed. Unmarried or divorced partners normally do not inherit anything

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