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  1. CRS_Aug17_cqc_next_phase_of_regulation_consultation_2.pdf

    language that promotes the inclusion of marginalised older service users, for example people with dementia. Indeed, while there is value in asking how well coordinated a service is, we believe this could

  2. Annual_review_201516_lowres.pdf

    local paper and when I attended a memory clinic at my local hospital (my tumour has left me with dementia), I told them I wanted to do something that kept me active. I wasn’t sure if there would be anything

  3. RB_April11_Evidence_Review_Healthy_Ageing.pdf

    hospital • a third of a million people who have difficulty bathing • nearly a million people with dementia. Improving Care and Saving Money28 adds that: • Approximately 1.26 million adults receive local ... high levels of physical activity reduce the risk of cognitive impairment – Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. One of these studies, with women aged 65-plus, indicated that those with a greater physical activity

  4. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    three separate but interconnected programmes of activity (fit for the future; Cascade Training; and Dementia Friendly). This report focuses on the fit for the future element of the portfolio only and draws ... undertaken between April 2014 and May 2015. Separate evaluation reports of both the Cascade Training and Dementia Friendly programmes have been produced (Alden et al, 2015 and Kispeter et al, 2015). The report

  5. Profiadau pobl 50 oed a hŷn yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo cyntaf Covid-19, a’u hadferiad - Hydref 2020 CYM.pdf

    mae’r clinig wedi cau’ Benyw, 75-79 oed, Ynys Môn Dywedodd bobl hŷn wrthym hefyd am eu hasesiadau dementia yn cael eu canslo, gan gynnwys asesiadau meddyginiaeth. Cefais wybod dros y ffôn ym mis Mawrth bod ... cymorth. ‘Rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio 7 diwrnod yr wythnos yn cadw fy nghleientiaid sy’n byw gyda dementia yn ddiogel gartref. Rwyf wedi gwneud hyn drwy gyflenwi fy nghyfarpar diogelu personol fy hun a defnyddio

  6. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Cym.pdf

    heneiddio’ (WHO, 2007) ac amcanion Heneiddio’n Dda yng Nghymru o amgylcheddau oed gyfeillgar sy’n cefnogi dementia. 13 Cyflwyniad – y ‘byd gorsymudol’ Mae trafnidiaeth yn bwysicach i bobl hŷn nag erioed o’r blaen ... chymunedau sy’n cefnogi dementia, a’u helpu i weithredu. At ei gilydd, mae angen i drafnidiaeth gael mwy o ystyriaeth mewn cymunedau oed gyfeillgar a chymunedau sy’n cefnogi dementia. Gallai gwaith da yn

  7. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    Roedd Mrs P, o dref glan môr yng ngogledd Cymru, wedi colli ei gwˆr rai blynyddoedd yn ôl, mae dementia ar ei dau frawd a chwaer ac maent yn byw’n bell i ffwrdd, felly mae ymweliadau’n anodd iawn ac yn ... Cees Jonker and Robert A. Schoevers. “Feelings of Loneliness, but Not Social Isolation, Predict Dementia Onset: Results from the Amsterdam Study of the Elderly (AMSTEL).” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery

  8. CRS_Dec15_Public_Financial_Guidance.pdf

    hard to engage with by other means, or who have specific needs (such as carers, people living with dementia or cancer or people with problem debt). Although these organisations often focus on social welfare

  9. CRS_April15_FCA_Access_Scoping_Study_response.pdf

    to our I&A team: “My Mum has recently been granted power of attorney (PoA) for my father, who has dementia and has been in a nursing home since September 2014. However, even though she has PoA, she is struggling

  10. Age Cymru - Beth sy’n bwysig i chi - Gorffennaf 2024.pdf

    am bobl sy’n byw gyda dementia eu bod yn teimlo’n unig oherwydd nad oeddent yn gallu cyfathrebu’n glir â’r person yr oeddent yn gofalu amdano. “Rwy’n gofalu am fy mam sydd â dementia. Rwy’n teimlo ychydig ... esgus fod yn swyddog yr heddlu er mwyn dwyn arian wrth unigolyn sy’n byw gyda dementia. “Cysylltodd rhywun â fy ffrind â dementia yn honni ei fod yn swyddog heddlu ... Yn ffodus, roeddwn i gyda fy ffrind ar

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