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People also search for: will recommend near me, what is sheltered housing, 2021

  1. Postal scams

    Nearly half of people in the UK have been targeted by a scam. One of the ways that scammers commonly contact people is through the post. Learn how to protect yourself from postal scams.

  2. Access to banking

    With the volume and rapidness of bank branch closures, Age Cymru is increasingly concerned about the detrimental impact that this is having on the ability of many older people to access their personal

  3. Become a Community Assistance Volunteer

    Project needs your help to support older people in your community. We have a range of volunteering roles to suit a variety of interests and time commitments.

  4. Age Awareness Training

    Cymru’s age awareness training will enhance the understanding and skills of your customer service staff, improving the quality of customer service provided to older customers, ensuring they feel valued

  5. RB_Oct12_Sheltered_And_Retirement_Housing.pdf

    advice and advocacy 13 Complaints 13 Access to advice 16 The ‘Right to Manage’ 18 Reform of leasehold 21 Role of solicitors 23 Affordability 25 Service charges 25 Rents 27 Housing Benefit 29 Supporting ... 37 Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual and transgender older residents 40 Home for life 43 Security of tenure 43 Pets 43 Accessible structure 44 Space 44 Care and support 46 Safety and security 47 Wardens

  6. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    on Care, Labour and Equalities) University of Leeds July 2015 fit as a fiddle is a programme run by Age UK and funded by the Big Lottery Fund as part of the Wellbeing programme www ... .................................................... 10 3. Background, policy context and overview of related literature ................................... 12 4. Methods .............................

  7. Doorstep scams

    Older people are often the target of doorstep scammers. Find out how to protect yourself against the fraudsters.

  8. Join Age Cymru's Older People's Network

    You can join our network of more than 600 older people and receive free email updates and information

  9. Carols by Candlelight

    Join us for an evening of carols and Christmas cheer at our carols by candlelight being held at Norwegian Church

  10. Listen and Connect

    Listen and Connect is a telephone listening service for older people who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

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