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People also search for: park homes, what to do, working in later life

  1. FS71.pdf

    free initial advice on the law relating to park homes. They have a helpline and a range of online guides. Alternatively, contact an advice agency like Citizens Advice, your local Age UK or local Age Cymru ... law relating to park homes in England and Wales by telephone or email. They have a range of advice guides on park homes on their website. Age UK factsheet 71 February 2024 Park homes Page 15 of 18 National

  2. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).pdf

    and our Live Chat facility can put you in touch with a member of the team. 2 Ø Information guides and factsheets. These cover a wide range of subjects affecting older people in Wales and those who

  3. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).pdf

    questions and our Live Chat facility can put you in touch with a member of the team. Ø Information guides and factsheets. These cover a wide range of subjects affecting older people in Wales and those who

  4. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    Disabled People. CRE. Available online: dfg_good_practice_guide_2013.pdf 5. Department of Communities and Local Government (2009) English House Conditions Survey ... Disabled People. CRE. Available online: dfg_good_practice_guide_2013.pdf 20. The Decent Homes Standard relates to basic fitness standard, including the state of repair

  5. RB_Feb16_Older_people_and_power_loss_floods_and_storms.pdf

    cut, e.g. people with disabilities or older people. The reforms aim to better target this support, guided by a wide range of circumstances that can make people vulnerable, rather than just age, disability ... 2015,21 require companies to take a more pro-active approach to identifying customers who need help, guided by a wider range of circumstances – including dementia, mobility problems, bereavement and communication

  6. FS21w.pdf

    to check whether there are any other benefits that you might qualify for. Age Cymru’s information guide, More money in your pocket: Claiming the right benefits for you, may be helpful. Contact Age Cymru ... Advice can assist older people themselves, their family, friends, carers, or professionals. All of our guides and factsheets are available to download from our website, or you can contact our advice line to

  7. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).docx

    your questions and our Live Chat facility can put you in touch with a member of the team.Information guides and factsheets. These cover a wide range of subjects affecting older people in Wales and those who

  8. RB_Feb16_Are_We_Ready_For_The_Next_Crisis.pdf

    cut, e.g. people with disabilities or older people. The reforms aim to better target this support, guided by a wide range of circumstances that can make people vulnerable, rather than just age, disability ... 2015,21 require companies to take a more pro-active approach to identifying customers who need help, guided by a wider range of circumstances – including dementia, mobility problems, bereavement and communication

  9. FS46w.pdf

    component. For further information see Age UK’s Factsheet 55 Carer’s Allowance and the information guide, Advice for carers. 12.4 Pension Credit Pension Credit (PC) is means tested. Eligibility is based ... Advice can assist older people themselves, their family, friends, carers, or professionals. All of our guides and factsheets are available to download from our website, or you can contact our advice line to

  10. FS12.pdf

    factsheet 42w, Obtaining disability equipment and home adaptations in Wales. In Scotland, see the guide, Care and Support at home: Practical Help. 10 Rates and allowances 2024/2025 10.1 Personal allowances ... to find out whether there is a local Age UK near you, and to order free copies of our information guides and factsheets. Age UK Advice 0800 169 65 65 Lines are open seven days a week from

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