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  1. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    should be paying for a loved ones care? Or perhaps they may want to know if they are eligible for Pension Credit and want help with claiming it? Age Cymru Advice can help with all these issues, and more –

  2. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.docx

    tell us more:⬛ Neitherconfidentor not confident⬛ Unconfident⬛ VeryunconfidentD2. Do youreceive Pension Credit?(Select one option)⬛ Yes⬛ No, I’veapplied butI’m not eligible⬛ No,I’veneverapplied⬛ I’veneve

  3. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    their experience, using SenseMaker tools. Volunteers can earn time credits for the stories they collect by joining Spice’s Time Credits network3. On September 24-27, the project will host a “Citizens’ ... be paying for a loved one’s care? Or perhaps they may wants to know if they are eligible for Pension Credit and want help with claiming it? Age Cymru can help with all these issues, and more – call

  4. FS10w - Welsh.pdf

    eu cynnwys yn y prawf modd, gan gynnwys cyfrifon banc neu gymdeithas adeiladu, cyfrifon National Savings, Bondiau Premiwm, stociau a chyfrannau, ac eiddo (adeiladau neu dir). 5.1 Cyfalaf a ddelir yng ngwerth ... cyffredinol sy’n rheoli cymhwyster ar gyfer Credyd Pensiwn (PC) yn Nhaflen Ffeithiau 48 gan Age UK, sef Pension Credit. Isod ceir peth gwybodaeth am y budd-dâl. Mae dwy ran i’r Credyd Pensiwn (PC):  Credyd Gwarant;

  5. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    compared with the yearly cost of £26,000 for residential care – therefore representing a substantial saving.7 The number of older people suffering with late onset dementia was 820,000 in 2010.8 By 2025, this ... crucial role housing plays in the delivery of health and social care services and the benefits and savings it can offer over the longer term. There is an increasing focus on providing robust evidence to

  6. BigStep_Fundraising_Pack.pdf

    increase • Money can be tight: 120,000 pensioners in Wales live in poverty • It is estimated that 80,000 households in Wales that are eligible for Pension Credit are not claiming it • One-third of the

  7. RB_May16_zero_hour_contracts.pdf

    Statutory Sick Pay (so long as they have met the Lower Earnings Limit);  Automatic enrolment for pensions;  Protection from unlawful deductions from wages;  Right to receive the National Minimum Wage ... workforce to meet demand. Lead to precarious lifestyles as unable to budget, obtain mortgage, secure credit, take on rented accommodation. Unable to plan time outside of work, childcare needs. Can deprive

  8. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Full_report.pdf

    Over-stretched health budgets An ageing population and the requirement to find £22 billion of efficiency savings mean that the NHS is under great pressure and this is expected to continue or even intensify over ... billion a year. The commitments it has made to the ‘triple lock’ on the basic state pension and to the so-called pensioner benefits, including the winter fuel payment, will provide some protection. However

  9. are_you_listening_interactive.pdf

    Case study: Portsmouth municipal budget-making In Portsmouth, the City Council invites Portsmouth Pensioners’ Association (PPA) together with other voluntary bodies, including the local Age UK, to a consultation ... actively support its implementation and will strive to make it work. This will often produce tangible savings in the resources dedicated to that service. 3 Local authorities have found that engaging older people

  10. IG44.pdf

    Living Allowance, the enhanced rate mobility component of Personal Independence Payment, or the War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement, you can use your mobility allowance to lease a car, wheelchair or scooter ... free off-peak travel on local buses. You can get an older person’s bus pass when you reach State Pension age, which is currently 66 for both men and women. In Wales, people aged 60 or over and disabled

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