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  1. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    Following on from this success, Hampshire County Council is developing a training pack for people with dementia as well as ongoing monitoring and evaluation with the aim of reducing attendance figures at A&E

  2. Spring 2024 - English.pdf

    with an induction session focusing on an introduction to the charity, communication techniques, dementia awareness, equality and diversity, and health and safety. They also had first hand insight into

  3. Winter 2023 v7.pdf

    people. They even entered, and won, a St Fagans based writing competition about the past as part of Dementia Action Week. Leading on the the work with older people, St Joseph teacher Kathryn Tuff says “The

  4. RB_April16_age_friendly_banking.pdf

    signing up to the Prime Minister’s ‘Challenge on Dementia 2020’. The bank provided information and advice to its customerfacing staff on how to become a Dementia Friend and they were encouraged to join. This ... how particular situations can affect a customer, both emotionally and financially. These include dementia, the cost of a cancer diagnosis and the typical money issues faced by customers and their relatives

  5. RB_Dec17_Painful_Journeys_InDepth_Report.pdf

    travel with a companion and for many older people, particularly those in a wheelchair, or living with dementia, travelling alone when they are in poor health is very distressing. Some are forced to make the ... without a disabled parking badge and these are no longer available for people who are elderly with dementia but can walk 50m. I have to drop my mum off but I am worried she will wander off and get lost

  6. Profiadau pobl 50 oed a hŷn yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo cyntaf Covid 19, a’u hadferiad Hydref 2020.pdf

    mae’r clinig wedi cau’ Benyw, 75-79 oed, Ynys Môn Dywedodd bobl hŷn wrthym hefyd am eu hasesiadau dementia yn cael eu canslo, gan gynnwys asesiadau meddyginiaeth. Cefais wybod dros y ffôn ym mis Mawrth bod ... cymorth. ‘Rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio 7 diwrnod yr wythnos yn cadw fy nghleientiaid sy’n byw gyda dementia yn ddiogel gartref. Rwyf wedi gwneud hyn drwy gyflenwi fy nghyfarpar diogelu personol fy hun a defnyddio

  7. FS39w.pdf

    Both residential care homes and nursing care homes can provide various specialisms/services (e.g. dementia care). However, a home must not provide nursing care if it is not registered for that purpose. Some ... 23 of 39  Pierre and Annette “Pierre and Annette are husband and wife. Both suffer from...dementia and go into a care home to be cared for. Although they share a room, they do not understand that

  8. CRS_Feb16_LGA_housing_commission.pdf

    ces-and-practice/integrated-care/integrated-care-model/ xvii Adaptations grants for people with dementia offered by Norwich City Council. Details online at:

  9. CRS_Nov15_Mental_Capacity_and_Deprevation_of_Liberty.pdf

    about lack of capacity to make a particular decision simply because someone is older, is living with dementia or is frail. Just as it is a key principle of the MCA that capacity should be assumed, in our view

  10. CRS_Aug17_cqc_next_phase_of_regulation_consultation_2.pdf

    language that promotes the inclusion of marginalised older service users, for example people with dementia. Indeed, while there is value in asking how well coordinated a service is, we believe this could

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