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  1. Autumn 2022 Newsletter ENG v6.pdf

    of your home and all free of charge. We’re also pleased to be able to share information about our ‘Why are we waiting report?’ which details our findings about delays in assessments for care in Wales ... Wales and what we think needs to be done. It is so important that people can get the care services they need when they need them; the delays some people are experiencing means this is simply not the case

  2. Donate your Christmas party

    on our glad rags, have a drink (or two) enjoy our office Christmas party and call a taxi to take us home. But what if those little things could bring about big changes for people who really need our ... your drink. You can still enjoy your favourite tipple from home - you just donate what you’ve saved instead donate your taxi ride home donate the money you would have spent on a Secret Santa present

  3. FS55.pdf

    The factsheet explains how Carer’s Allowance may affect any other benefits you, or the person you care for, are receiving, and what to do if you have a change of circumstance. Carer’s Allowance is being ... Change of circumstances 7 6.1 If the person you care for dies 7 6.2 If the person you care for goes into a care home or hospital 8 6.3 Breaks from caring 8 6.4 Going abroad 9 6.4.1 Temporary absence abroad

  4. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales - October 2023.pdf

    treatment and ongoing checks 6 • Access to surgical procedures and in-patient care 7 • Access to dental services 8 2. Accessing social care 9 3. Current challenges 12 • Impact on mental wellbeing 13 • Impact on ... accessing healthcare services. Worryingly, 11% of respondents told us they’d tried to access health care but hadn’t been able to get the support they needed. “I find it so stressful to contact the GP, so

  5. Moving abroad or returning to the UK to live

    private medical insurance, life insurance). Do you require care? It can be difficult to organise care from abroad, as to receive social care services from a local authority’s social services department ... necessarily have a duty to provide long-term care services following this assessment. Because of the uncertainties of establishing your rights to long-term care, it’s a good idea to plan ahead. Our factsheet

  6. Advocacy Services in Wrexham.pdf

    below. Advocacy Services in Wrexham Mental Health Carer Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want support with care and support planning, assessment, review, or safeguarding ? If so they have ... Independent professional advocacy for children/young people who are on the CP register,LAC, CIN or Care Leavers 0800 111 6880 Second Voice Advocacy Non statutory for ages

  7. RB_June14_CPA_Outcomes_prevention_monitoring.pdf

    covers more than just the delay or avoidance of poor health and a reduction in  the use of health care services in older age. Prevention in this wider sense includes not only the prevention or delay o ... ople and thereby prevent or delay the need for more costly, higher intensity or institutionalised care.2  Prevention can take many forms and can occur at different points in the health trajectory.    

  8. RB_Oct12_Sheltered_And_Retirement_Housing.pdf

    bisexual, transexual and transgender older residents 40 Home for life 43 Security of tenure 43 Pets 43 Accessible structure 44 Space 44 Care and support 46 Safety and security 47 Wardens (scheme managers) ... sheltered and retirement housing. This is exacerbated by uncertainty around funding for preventive care and support services. A lack of clarity about what different schemes offer – and the cost of services

  9. CRS_Nov17_financial_protections_vulnerable consumers.pdf

    physical impairments. 4. For these reasons, many older people are unable to adequately heat their home. Therefore, we strongly support Ofgem’s proposal for a ‘vulnerable customer safeguard tariff’, and ... on the most disengaged customers. 7. We support the proposal to apply the safeguard tariff to Warm Home Discount recipients. However, we recognise this will not successfully target all the customers who

  10. CRS_July16_Ofgem_on_Priority_Services_Register_review.pdf

    support. This could include older people who have moved in with younger relatives, people who are cared for by a carer in the household and people who have donated Powers of Attorney (PoA) to someone else ... ‘Does this apply to anyone else in your household?’, or similar, or ask the account holder if has caring responsibilities for someone living with them. (2.16) 13. We support the proposal that licensees

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