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  1. RB_July14_Access_all_ages_2.pdf

    Longer lifespans have been described as ‘one of the greatest changes to affect humanity in the last 200 years’.1 Today the over-65s are much healthier and more active than in previous generations but at

  2. RB_2013_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    research centres For a summary of the joint Cabinet Office and Treasury initiative (and how the promised £200 million will be spent, see the “What works” planning document.74 Overall, there is still considerable

  3. Envisage 2017 E.pdf

    2016 in the Bethlehem Life Centre, Cefn Cribwr in Bridgend. The event was a great success, with over 200 people gathering to watch 14 teams made up of older people and people with disabilities enjoying competing

  4. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    ar ofalwyr yn y gweithlu. Canfu ymchwil cyflogwyr ar gyfer Gofalwyr a oedd yn defnyddio barn mwy na 200 o gyflogwyr, yn hytrach na pheryglu amcanion busnes, bod cydnabod a chefnogi gofalwyr yn y gweithle

  5. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    ar ofalwyr yn y gweithlu. Canfu ymchwil cyflogwyr ar gyfer Gofalwyr a oedd yn defnyddio barn mwy na 200 o gyflogwyr, yn hytrach na pheryglu amcanion busnes, bod cydnabod a chefnogi gofalwyr yn y gweithle

  6. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    Eglwys Bethlehem, Cefn Cribwr ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Bu’r digwyddiad yn llwyddiant ysgubol, gyda thros 200 o bobl yn ymgynnull i wylio 14 o dimau o bobl hyˆ n a phobl ag anableddau yn mwynhau cystadlu mewn

  7. Age Cymru - Older people in Wales - facts and statistics 2021.pdf

    than those under the age of 60.33  1 in 3 of people aged 60-74 in Wales have incomes of less than £200 a week, or £10,400 a year.34  Women are often poorer, with estimated 209,000 older women in Wales

  8. Commissioning IPA Framework English Oct 19.pdf

    Design fit for purpose contracts and/or service level agreements. Consider “approved lists”. Agree payment methods. Consider the implications of any out of area provision. Consider adopting an approach based

  9. RB_2014_Age_UK_Poverty_in_Later_Life.pdf

    informal support from family and friends, as well as support from government in the form of welfare payments, free bus passes, free prescriptions and support from local authorities had a significant positive

  10. crs_nov17_wills_consultation_response.pdf

    decisions. C questions decisions Sister is making. Mother wanted C and Sister to have a lump sum payment. Sister claims she sent letters to C about this. C couldn't reply because of physical and mental

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