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  1. CRS_Sept15_Strengthening_incentive_to_save.pdf

    tax-exempt-exempt system gives us significant cause for concern that their counterparts in younger generations will suffer a serious disadvantage – and disincentive to save – if they have to pay tax on their pension ... contribution’ – has an important role to play in achieving this. We also recognise that the current system cost the Treasury £34.3 billion in 2013/14, of which about two thirds goes to additional or higher rate

  2. Why partner with us?

    292,000 by 2039. In the aftermath of covid, against the backdrop of rising energy prices, and the cost-of-living crisis, many older people are facing some of the hardest challenges imaginable – economic

  3. RB_2013_Falls_Prevention_Guide.pdf

    and over account for over 4 million hospital bed days each year in England alone.1 • The healthcare cost associated with fragility fractures is estimated at £2 billion a year.2 • Injurious falls, including ... programmes hold in helping to make dramatic improvements in quality of life and achieve significant cost savings, older people continue to have limited access to evidence-based falls prevention programmes

  4. RB_Sept17_Age_UK_Budget_Representation.pdf

    supported housing and replace this with a ‘Supported Housing Allowance’ that reflects the actual costs of managing sheltered housing. It should reverse reductions in funding for housing support services ... 1.9 million or 16 per cent of pensioners in the UK now living in relative poverty (after housing costs). A further 1.1 million (9 per cent) had incomes just above the poverty line (between 60 and 70 per

  5. CRS_Feb17_Cqc_NHS_Consultation_Use_Resources_Well-led_Assessments.pdf

    rather than one of six. It is also noted that responsibility for, and ownership of, service ratings will remain legally with CQC and reflect the regulator’s final judgement. Age UK’s response Age UK’s ... considerations. Service users and their families expect that a service with an ‘outstanding’ rating will be outstanding, not outstanding considering its miserably limited resources. In fact the extent to

  6. RB_June14_ppi_financial_resilience_of_recently_retired.pdf

    workers to remain in the labour market.3 When discussing the ‘recently retired’ this briefing note will typically focus on those groups within 10 years of reaching SPA (currently 61 and over for women, ... approaching SPA will experience a diverse range of circumstances across a range of areas including wealth, income, employment, family circumstances and housing tenure. These factors will all interact to

  7. IG54.pdf

    benefits you receive • your savings • who lives with you • how much Council Tax you pay. “My care has cost a lot more since my fall. But paying less Council Tax has helped me stay on top of things.” Reg, 89

  8. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 WELSH.pdf

    ar iechyd emosiynol  Effaith ar iechyd corfforol  Ceisio bwyd  Ceisio presgripsiynau  Cost byw  Defnyddio hawliau unigol  Trafnidiaeth  Sgamiau neu gam-drin  Mynediad at arian

  9. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    businesses that fully understand the wide range of older people’s interests, preferences and challenges will be better-placed to win them as valuable customers. People talked to us about the kinds of shopping ... should do what they can to accommodate. Not only will some of these challenges come to all of us with ageing, but also a service that meets these challenges will be better for all customers, of all ages. Normal

  10. FS8w.pdf

    Wales – see section 2 below – the most up to date term is ‘community landlord housing’ (therefore, we will generally use the latter description in this factsheet). Our factsheet explains:  how waiting lists ... points of note in the new legislation. Where relevant, further information on some of these elements will be included in the text below, or can be found within our other housing factsheets. Changes in terminology

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