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  1. RB_Feb16_Are_We_Ready_For_The_Next_Crisis.pdf

    Older people and power loss, floods and storms Reducing risk, building resilience 2 These crises – power loss, floods and storms – can be challenging or even traumatising for people of any age. But older ... can be in serious danger. Those who rely on an oxygen machine or stairlift, who can’t easily get out of the house or who live alone may be at risk. The nightmare scenario is an older person alone and cut-off

  2. What is Spread the Warmth

    Spread the Warmth is Age Cymru's campaign to prevent thousands of older people in Wales suffering needlessly this winter.

  3. Assistive technology

    Telecare and telehealth can help us live independently and stay in control of our own health and wellbeing.

  4. Carols by Candlelight

    Join us for an evening of carols and Christmas cheer at our carols by candlelight being held at Norwegian Church

  5. Golden Thread Advocacy Programme

    Golden Thread Advocacy Programme introduction page. Basic background and outline of work for the newly funded programme.

  6. Physical activity

    Age Cymru runs a number of physical activity programmes including nordic walking, tai chi and low impact functional training.

  7. Listen and Connect

    Listen and Connect is a telephone listening service for older people who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

  8. Doorstep scams

    Older people are often the target of doorstep scammers. Find out how to protect yourself against the fraudsters.

  9. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement - March 2019.pdf

    Rights March 2019 Summary Everyone should live with dignity and respect. Older people are equal members of society and should not be subjected to ageist attitudes, stereotyping or conduct. However, negative ... common with most other forms of discrimination, ageism is based on inaccurate stereotypes. These ageist attitudes are all too often reflected and amplified by the media. The effect of ageism is that older people

  10. Newsletter Summer 2021 - English.pdf

    few months at Age Cymru By Victoria Lloyd, Chief Executive, June 2021 Welcome to our summer edition of Age Matters. After a wet spring it’s great that early summer has brought us some sunshine. It’s been ... with you the findings of the survey we conducted in partnership with National Pensioners’ Convention Wales, Pensioners Forum Wales, Cymru Older Peoples’ Alliance and the Welsh Senate of Older People on older

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