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  1. 20190830 Together for Mental Health delivery plan consultation response.pdf

    Scams Partnership (WASP)11 is a partnership of organisations (including Age Cymru) committed to keeping Wales safe from scams, and has developed a ‘Charter Against Scams’12 to help better protect people

  2. RB_May15_Life_Offline.pdf

    having to access these only via friends/family was accepted: • The ability of the internet to help you keep in touch with friends and family • Being able to get ‘good deals’ online, specifically in relation ... slowed in older age and that life was less hectic than it had been in their younger years. Whilst keeping busy and active outside the house was considered important, participants described how they enjoyed

  3. Campaigner pack - wales.pdf

    few weeks, please do follow up your request with a polite phone call. When organising the meeting, keep your message precise and brief. You may need to be flexible about when you meet and will probably

  4. Health interventions and preventative services policy statement - May 2018.pdf

    people. In particular, access to foot care services across Wales must be improved; they are vital to keep older people active and independent and to reduce the risk of falls. Action is also required to ensure ... appropriate preventative service provision across Wales. Access to foot care services is vital to keep older people active and independent and to reduce the risk of falls, which are a major cause of serious

  5. CRS_June15_Creating_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    Supporting people to make the right decision. As the consultation paper points out, ‘for most people, keeping their annuity income will be the right decision, given the lifetime certainty and security that annuities ... communications, and the government must ensure that the default position for individuals remains to keep hold of their pension annuity income stream.  Fairness of costs – the price consumers receive must

  6. CRS_April15_FCA_Access_Scoping_Study_response.pdf

    so she stays away from this. “There has been a lot of change with new technology. She is keen to keep some older traditional ways of doing things as they make it easier for older people. Also it can be ... is no longer a simple matter of disinclination, but often issues such as poverty or bankruptcy that keep people out of the banking marketplace. One of the concerns that older people often raise is what they

  7. IL08.pdf

    Probate and Inheritance Tax Helpline for more information – page 14) for their share of estate income. Keep clear records of the work you’ve done, so you can answer any questions or challenges over how you ... well as the Age UK products and services you can buy. We will never sell your data and we promise to keep your details safe and secure. I do not wish to receive communications by post. You can change your

  8. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    ynni neu gofynnwch i asiantaeth gynghori fel Age Cymru. Cewch ragor o wybodaeth o: Cysylltwch â’ch Age Cymru lleol i drefnu gwiriad budd-daliadau (gweler tudalen

  9. FS66w.pdf

    specific as you can and keep correspondence short and to the point.  When and where did it happen? Has it happened before?  Who was involved on the staff side?  Why were you unhappy?  Keep your tone of voice ... what has been, or will be done, so it does not happen again. Keep records of the progress of your complaint Once you have made your complaint, keep a record of details such as:  names, contact details and

  10. EnvisAGE_2019_english.pdf

    Creating an age friendly WalesEnvis AGE Keeping voice, choice and control when growing older No. 13 2019 Featured articles Page 2 Introduction – Victoria Lloyd Page 5 Dignity and choice: the voice of ... value and want to retain control of to ensure their well-being in growing older: “Keeping my mental capacity, keeping mobile, and knowing you have a family and friends who care about you.” “To make sure

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