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  1. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    damage to personal relationships. This results in some people needing support from health or social care services, where they have not previously required such help.2 The Government should be fully aware

  2. CRS_Aug16_Ofwat_introducing_competition_to residential_customers.pdf

    difficult, including living with long-term health conditions or mental health conditions, having caring responsibilities, and being isolated, lonely and/or bereaved. 6. The experience in other sectors ... those living with long-term health conditions or mental health conditions, those with significant caring responsibilities for a partner/relative and those who are socially isolated, lonely and/or bereaved

  3. RB_Jan10_older_people’s_experiences_of_renting_privately.pdf

    Key findings 3 Background 3 Methods 3 Variation in experience 4 Affordability 4 Property quality 4 Care and adaptations 4 Management standards 4 Security of tenure 4 Towards a PRS strategy for older people ... shorthold tenancies. Some respondents in this group regarded their rental property as their long-term home n the majority of landlords generally seek tenants who require longer-term tenancies and will not

  4. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    consumers, particularly older people. (Financial abuse committed by close contacts such as relatives and care staff was outside the remit of this work.) The aim of the review was to explore the evidence base ... specific types of fraud. For instance, criminals may assume that older people are more likely to be at home during the day and therefore more likely to be susceptible to doorstep crime. Younger people may be

  5. Spring 2022 Newsletter v4.pdf

    Cymru’s cARTrefu programme, that brought artistic and creative experiences to older people living in care homes in February. The rising cost of living and the impact of energy costs have been high on the agenda ... about people’s access to health and social care, and how this may have affected their physical and mental well-being, and whether this has meant an increase in caring responsibilities. We want to know if the

  6. IG10.pdf

    General help. 8. Money matters. 9. Legal and consumer issues. 13. Crime. 18. Housing. 20. Social care. 24. Health. 28. End-of-life support. 34. Employment and rights at work. 36. Leisure and learning ... publish information guides and more detailed factsheets on a variety of topics – including social care, housing, benefits, legal affairs and health. Find these resources on our website at

  7. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    stories from people with recent experience of social services in order to build a picture of how social care feels for those involved. The stories may be from either service recipients or carers, and might be ... examine evidence from across Wales before reaching conclusions to share with Welsh Government, social care professionals, participants and other people in Wales. For further information please visit Measuring

  8. Defence discount card

    for members of the Armed Forces, Veterans and Armed Forces Community. Defence Discount Service is home of the Defence Privilege Card, the vetted discount card that can be used in stores, restaurants and

  9. Autumn 2022 Newsletter ENG v6.pdf

    of your home and all free of charge. We’re also pleased to be able to share information about our ‘Why are we waiting report?’ which details our findings about delays in assessments for care in Wales ... Wales and what we think needs to be done. It is so important that people can get the care services they need when they need them; the delays some people are experiencing means this is simply not the case

  10. Donate your Christmas party

    on our glad rags, have a drink (or two) enjoy our office Christmas party and call a taxi to take us home. But what if those little things could bring about big changes for people who really need our ... your drink. You can still enjoy your favourite tipple from home - you just donate what you’ve saved instead donate your taxi ride home donate the money you would have spent on a Secret Santa present

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