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  1. GE 2019 manifesto - Welsh - Final version.pdf

    anabledd, cyfrifoldebau gofalu, diswyddo neu ddiweithdra. Twyll Mae person hyˆn yn profi twyll pob 40 eiliad yng Nghymru a Lloegr, ac mae’n cael effaith ar eu hiechyd, cyllid a llesiant, ac yn chwalu hyder

  2. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    months).  Participants reported having a more positive attitude toward healthy eating with almost 40% increasing their fruit and vegetable intake over the 9 month survey period. Case study participants ... number of those aged over 85 is expected to double in the same period. Furthermore, by 2030 more than 40 per cent of households are predicted to comprise of people living on their own (Jowit, 2013; The King’s

  3. This is Older Image Library tender document CYMRAEG.pdf

    1 Hysbysiad o Dendr Llyfrgell Ddelweddau Dyma Beth yw Heneiddio / This is Older ADRAN I: SEFYDLIAD CONTRACTIO I.1) ENW, CYFEIRIADAU A PHWYNT(IAU) CYSWLLT: Cyswllt: Victoria Lloyd, Prif Weithredwr Cyfeiriad: Age Cymru, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Caerdydd, CF24 5TD Rhif ffôn: 029 2043 1555 E-bost: Gwefan: /

  4. Age Cymru Hope Project Leaflet NATIONAL + QPM BILINGUAL - update Dec22.pdf

    About the service The work we do with you is confidential. That means we’ll always talk to you before discussing your information with anyone else. We’ll keep your information safe and you have the right to see your own records. We’ll support you to have access to them if you wish. If you feel you’re at risk of harm, abuse or neglect, we can look at ways to help you feel safe. We welcome all

  5. Being scam aware.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Being scam aware Unfortunately during this time there are a number of scams circulating. Please be scam aware and follow our

  6. HOPE Project external evaluation tender notice June 2020.pdf

    1 HOPE Project (Helping others participate and engage) Notice to submit a tender to undertake work to deliver an independent external evaluation of the HOPE Project SECTION I: CONTRACTING ORGANISATION I.1) NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Contact: Louise Hughes, Head of Safeguarding and Advocacy Address: Age Cymru, St Andrew’s Park, Queen’s Lane, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1XB Tel

  7. RB_Sept14_Building_an_income_for_retirement.pdf

    .................................................................................................. 40 Conclusion ....................................................................................... ... the scheme member. • However, when broken down by income quintile this gain is focussed on the top 40 per cent of earners. The middle quintile receives a very marginal increase in disposable income, while

  8. RB_March14_Age_and_productivity_briefing.pdf

    management could have on productivity. For example, age discrimination is rife in the labour market, with 40 per cent of older workers believing they have been discriminated against because of their age;1 also ... Adult Literacy Survey by the OECD,17 which measured changes in literacy and cognitive skills over a 40 year age span. It found a small decline in performance across generations, but that this can entirely

  9. RB_July16_Older_people_and_internet_use_stats.pdf

    younger age groups. 79 81 88 85 86 88 75 78 81 84 87 88 52 56 61 66 71 74 20 23 29 32 33 39 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 % Percentage of recent internet users by age All adults

  10. CRS_April13_Practice_on_Settlement_Agreements.pdf

    discrimination is still a significant problem in today’s workplaces. Many older workers suffer from ageism – 40 per cent of employees aged over 50s believe they have suffered from discrimination because of their

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