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  1. RB_Feb17_WB_Index_Indicators_with_Understanding_Society_definitions.pdf

    Understanding Society Survey In order of contribution to wellbeing in later life Indicator Variables/questions in USoc Creative and cultural participation Have you taken part in the last 12 months: Dance ... Played a musical instrument; Written music; Rehearsed or performed in a play/drama, opera/operetta or musical theatre; Taken part in a carnival or street arts event (e.g. as a musician, dancer or costume

  2. codicil_form_Age_Cymru.pdf

    or professional adviser. Thank you for your support. Send, or give, a copy of the will and codicil (in a sealed envelope, if you prefer) to your executor or other trusted friend, with a note indicating ... said charity. 02 In all other respects I confirm my said will and any existing codicils thereto. Signed Date Signed by the above named testator in our joint presence and then by us in his/hers. Witness

  3. Hospital care for people with dementia - April 2019.pdf

    2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income ... and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the

  4. Promo Leaflet v5.pdf

    • Are you aged 50 or over and live in Wales? • Do you look after, or give any unpaid help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of long-term physical or mental ill-health ... related to older age? • Are you currently not accessing any formal support or services to help you in your role looking after someone/giving unpaid support? If you answered Yes to all the questions above

  5. Gwanwyn-Festival-2019-Information-Pack.pdf

    Grants Information Pack Gwanwyn is a month-long national festival held across Wales in May each year celebrating creativity in older age. The aim of the festival is to:  celebrate the opportunity of older ... creativity, hence the connotations of new life in the name ‘Gwanwyn’, meaning ‘spring’ in Welsh  offer opportunities for greater participation by older people in the arts and creative activity during the

  6. Gwanwyn Festival 2020 Information Pack.pdf

    Grants Information Pack Gwanwyn is a month-long national festival held across Wales in May each year celebrating creativity in older age. The aim of the festival is to:  celebrate the opportunity of older ... creativity, hence the connotations of new life in the name ‘Gwanwyn’, meaning ‘spring’ in Welsh  offer opportunities for greater participation by older people in the arts and creative activity during the

  7. RB_Dec14_What_next_for_generation_R.pdf

    housing ladder in time to benefit from steep house price increases. The current older cohort is a diverse group. While some are financially resilient, many are at risk of poor standards of living in later life ... maintain a decent standard of living in later life. The percentage of people actively contributing to a pension has fallen, and at present, over two-thirds of people in low and middle households have no pension

  8. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter May 2021.pdf

    with Age Cymru - the HOPE Project. Having previously worked in a support role I thought this might be something I would be interested in doing. Therefore, I contacted Age Cymru and so began my journey ... found enjoyable, challenging and stimulating in equal measure. For a start my efficiency with Zoom has had to increase exponentially! The joy of volunteering in a global pandemic! I’ve never felt unsupported

  9. Tell Me More Project Consent _ENG.pdf

    contact: Suzy Webster, Care Home Network Manager 1. I agree to take part in the Tell Me More project on Zoom (or other virtual platform) 2. I agree that any information collected ... including voice recordings and photographs. 3. I agree that the information gathered could be used in a short film/ animation describing the experiences of care home residents during the Covid Pandemic

  10. Life on a low income - FINAL - E.pdf

    poverty for older people in Wales May 2014 2 All older people should have an adequate standard of living in later life. No-one should need to endure a calamitous reduction in their standard of living when ... or be resigned to a life where they are forced to choose between basic essentials on a daily basis in order to make ends meet. Yet throughout this report are real examples of what life is like for older

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