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  1. 20190725 Health Social Care and Sport Committees consultation on the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill VL.pdf

    concerned. For this reason, many care home staff are terrified of residents going into hospital, and keep them at home until there is an emergency. Some people are discharged to a care home with no information

  2. 20190830 Together for Mental Health delivery plan consultation response.pdf

    Scams Partnership (WASP)11 is a partnership of organisations (including Age Cymru) committed to keeping Wales safe from scams, and has developed a ‘Charter Against Scams’12 to help better protect people

  3. RB_July15_AgeUK_survey_attitudes_to_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    cent preferring a lifetime income) and just two per cent among ABs (with 83 per cent preferring to keep their income). Secondly, the survey asked whether the individual had income from their annuity of

  4. RB_May15_Life_Offline.pdf

    having to access these only via friends/family was accepted: • The ability of the internet to help you keep in touch with friends and family • Being able to get ‘good deals’ online, specifically in relation ... slowed in older age and that life was less hectic than it had been in their younger years. Whilst keeping busy and active outside the house was considered important, participants described how they enjoyed

  5. IG49.pdf

    illness means you need help with personal care, such as getting washed or dressed, or supervision to keep you safe. • You’ve needed help for at least 6 months – unless you’re terminally ill, in which case

  6. FS62.pdf

    occurring or is likely to occur. They must establish if it is in your best interests, necessary to keep you from harm, and a proportionate response to the likelihood and seriousness of that harm. The best ... represent your interests, called the Relevant Person’s Representative (RPR). The role of the RPR is to keep in contact with you and represent and support you with everything relating to the deprivation of liberty

  7. Age Cymru response to community nursing specification .pdf

    Another said, “During my late husband’s illness the district nurses did everything they could to keep him comfortable, sending him to hospital when necessary, and getting the equipment we needed.” It

  8. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2020.pdf

    period of eighteen months to run until March 2022. We’re delighted that Dementia advocacy can still keep running across Wales. More information to follow in due course.

  9. Campaigner pack - wales.pdf

    few weeks, please do follow up your request with a polite phone call. When organising the meeting, keep your message precise and brief. You may need to be flexible about when you meet and will probably

  10. IG08.pdf

    about your current home and how well it suits you – both now and for the future. It can be helpful to keep a note of your answers. Location. • Is it near your family? • Is it near your friends and social groups ... money on your energy bills. If you’re finding it hard to afford your energy bills, or you’re trying to keep costs down by not turning on the heating as much as you should, there are things you can do to save

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