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  1. RB_Oct12_Sheltered_And_Retirement_Housing.pdf

    the services available to the BME community as part of their business plans. • Providers should employ staff from diverse ethnic groups and ensure that all staff receive cultural awareness training. 41

  2. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    on people at their homes. The growth in use of the internet means that fraudsters frequently employ online methods to target people and these include: Phishing: A method used to access valuable personal

  3. RB_Jan15_Promising_approaches-loneliness_and_isolation.pdf

    recruiting volunteers. Because Call in Time is delivered over the telephone, with the support of employers, Age UK is able to deliver a cost effective service and reports few problems attracting volunteers

  4. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    was ‘all in the packaging’. Most of all, it meant being hard-headed. However, people’s capacity to employ strategies to cut their costs varies greatly, and can be strongly affected, for example, by their

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