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  1. Age Cymru - Report on the current experiences of people aged 50 or over across Wales of the Covid-19 pandemic and views on the year ahead - June 2022.pdf

    for a minimum spend for ordering online groceries, and in terms of transport, a move to digital payments causing problems for car parking, and worries for people who may have sight loss. ‘Digital paying

  2. IG08.pdf

    £15 £20 My choice £ I enclose a cheque/postal order made payable to Age UK, or I wish to make payment by (please tick): MasterCard Visa CAF CharityCard Card number Expiry date AGUK0081 If you’re

  3. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    060 4400 Canolfan Taliadau Tanwydd Gaeaf Ffôn: 0800 731 0160 39 Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf Cyflenwr nwy ...........................................

  4. CRS_July16_Carers_Strategy.pdf

    cared for person receiving Attendance Allowance, the Daily Living Component of Personal Independence Payment, or the middle or highest care rate of Disability Living Allowance. However, at just £62.10 a week

  5. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales - October 2023.pdf

    time before I became ill I am appalled at the lack of professionalism and care. I called the Direct Payments Office myself and arranged a reduction in my care because I was unable to afford the nine hours

  6. FS8w.pdf

    will generally be accepting the property in its current condition);  do not “make or accept any payment for swapping with the other contract-holder or tenant. This is illegal and you could be prosecuted

  7. Age Cymru - Report on the current experiences of people aged 50 or over across Wales of the Covid-19 pandemic, and views on the year ahead - June 2022.pdf

    for a minimum spend for ordering online groceries, and in terms of transport, a move to digital payments causing problems for car parking, and worries for people who may have sight loss. ‘Digital paying

  8. FS10w - Welsh.pdf

    Ffeithiau 34 gan Age UK, sef Attendance Allowance a Thaflen Ffeithiau 87, sef Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance. Mae elfen symudedd DLA ac elfen symudedd PIP yn cael eu hanwybyddu’n ... oherwydd mae PIP yn ei ddisodli – gweler Taflen Ffeithiau 87 gan Age UK, sef Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance am wybodaeth bellach. Hunan-arianwyr Mae pobl sy’n talu eu ffioedd

  9. RB_Sept12_A_means_to_many_ends_older_workers'_experiences_of_flexible_working.pdf

    paid by employers in 2009 and 2010 were reimbursed. The extension of the duration of the subsidy payments to 24 months led to an increase between September 2008 and June 2009 from 27,000 to 1.4 million

  10. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    families that their relatives have been put on the pathway, misuse by hospitals receiving financial payments for using it, patients put on the pathway when they are not in the last days or hours of life, sometimes

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