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  1. Conversation resource - English.pdf

    During lockdowns people have needed to feel that connection more than ever. Looking at faces is one of our first forms of communication, allowing natural facial mimicry to occur, helping us feel empathy ... difficult, especially for those with hearing loss; unable to rely on lipreading and to see people smile. Communicating with distant loved ones via Zoom means although we haven’t always been able to physically

  2. Cooling down.pdf

    stretches on muscles that cross joints that are inflamed or uncomfortable Chest stretch Sit tall in the chair and lift head and chest. Place hands behind either on the back of the chair, on the small ... and place one hand on the shoulder, walk the fingers down the back as far as comfortable. Gently press the elbow back with the other hand. Side stretch Sit tall in the chair and place hand on the seat

  3. Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance - February 2017.pdf

    consultation on Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance. Comments Transport is a crucial factor in determining older people’s ability to access vital services and communities, as many older people rely on public ... impact upon older people’s well-being. The number of older people in Wales is growing and we are, on average, expected to live longer. The fact that older people make up an increasing section of the population

  4. Action plan to end abuse and neglect of older people - October 2022.pdf

    response October 2022 1. Do you agree that the three overall objectives are appropriate? If not, what should they be? We tend to agree. Age Cymru welcomes the positive development of an action plan ... people. We feel that the plan would benefit from some restructuring: i. Clearer direction is needed on how the individual elements of the plan come together with an overarching aim. We believe that the

  5. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    to older people in different circumstances has given us a wealth of knowledge on what they want and think, including on consumer issues. In 2015 we held three workshops to hear people’s stories of shopping ... shops, phoning their energy company, purchasing goods online and making complaints. They gave ideas on how businesses could improve. We quote them throughout this paper but have changed all names. This

  6. RB_March14_Age_and_productivity_briefing.pdf

    least as productive as their younger colleagues. Even in physically demanding situations, for example on a factory production line, age is no barrier to working productively.  Measuring individual productivity ... researchers. Older studies, which often suggest older workers are less productive, frequently rely on outdated assumptions about ageing and health, or fail to account for a myriad of other factors. More

  7. Falls prevention school resource - Key stage 2.pdf

    children think about falling over, the impact that this could have on people, how they can support friends, relatives and loved ones to reduce their risk of falling and think about how they can age healthily ... this list is to give a variety of ideas of what to include. Hazard Key points to set up as a hazard Rug Lay the rug to form folds, it could also be laid on a shiny surface. Ideally use a rug that is old

  8. CRS_Aug17_cqc_next_phase_of_regulation_consultation_2.pdf

    About this consultation This consultation, issued by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), asks for views on changes to the regulation of registered health and care services, to be implemented as part of CQC’s ... this consultation, particularly around transparency of information, accountability and the emphasis on using data and intelligence more effectively to inform inspection decisions.  Age UK is however not

  9. Income tax

    pay Income Tax on it. Not all income is taxable, and there are allowances and reliefs you may be able to claim.  Not all income counts towards Income Tax. You may have to pay tax on: earnings from ... such as Carer’s Allowance and Statutory Sick Pay income from a trust. You do not have to pay tax on: Pension Credit Universal Credit Attendance Allowance Disability Living Allowance Personal Independence

  10. IG58.pdf

    AgeUKIG58 Extra money if you’re on a low income and you or your partner are under State Pension age. Universal Credit. 2 What is Universal Credit? Universal Credit is a means-tested, non-taxable benefit ... benefit to cover basic living expenses. There are different elements payable depending on your circumstances – for example, if you’re a carer. Universal Credit is replacing 6 other means-tested benefits, known

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