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  1. Falls Prevention

    around one in three over-65s living in the community and one in two people aged over 85 will have a fall.

  2. Carers Rights A4 English.pdf

    Your rights as a carer You’re an unpaid carer if you look after, or give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of longterm physical or mental ill-health or disability ... disability, or issues related to growing older. As a carer, you’ve certain rights that can help make your life that bit easier. You have the right to: • receive information, advice and assistance from your Local

  3. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    August 2019 Summary The Welsh Government defines a carer as “anyone of any age, who provides unpaid care and support to a relative, friend or neighbour who is disabled, physically or mentally ill, or affected ... of unpaid care per week.3 It is likely that the actual proportion of older carers is higher than these results. It is estimated that by 2037 there will be over half a million carers in Wales, a 40% rise

  4. Measuring a nation's progress - April 2019.pdf

    Consultation response How do we assist Welsh Ministers in measuring a nation’s progress? Welsh Government April 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older ... access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them

  5. Vic Spears

    We'd like to introduce you to some of our amazing volunteers who help make a difference to the lives of older people in Wales.

  6. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    much would it cost to meet the unmet social care needs of older people in England? - Iparraguirre Page 1 How much would it cost to meet the unmet social care needs of older people in England? Prof Jose ... Introduction Last year, Age UK estimated that 1,004,000 older people between 65 and over have unmet social care needs –roughly 31 per cent of older people with difficulty in carrying out activities of daily living

  7. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    review June 2014    Using housing wealth and other assets to pay for care Summary  • In the UK, personal wealth , including housing wealth, is greatest in older age, driven by the natural lifecycle of wealth accumulation and  ... decumulation and the huge rise in house prices   • Wealth inequality is much greater than income inequality so the holding of housing wealth in older age is by no means universal  • Housing assets are viewed diffe

  8. Final report and evaluation - Supporting the wellbeing of care home residents - May 2024.pdf

    1 Final report and evaluation Supporting the wellbeing of care home residents May 2024 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • • • • • • •

  9. Age Cymru response Bereavement Care in Wales 17th May 2021 .pdf

    response - Bereavement Care in Wales 17th May 2021 1: Is it clear who this bereavement framework is for and why it has been developed? YES If the answer is no please tell us below what can we do to achieve ... achieve this? Age Cymru welcomes the development of a framework to support bereaved people in Wales. This important development will assist in reducing inequalities across Wales in access to bereavement support

  10. Age Cymru response to Social Care Wales Draft Equality Plan September 2021.pdf

    1 Age Cymru consultation response -Social Care Wales Draft Equality Objectives for 2022 to 2027 13th September 2021 1. Do you agree with our approach to incorporate our anti discriminatory work in ... identify areas where people with protected characteristics are over and underrepresented. In doing so it is important that the form of qualitative and quantitative data and evidence gathering considers intersectionality

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