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  1. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    to them being more willing to engage with cold callers. Fraudsters prey on this by ‘grooming’ victims. 2. We are concerned that the proposed scope of cold call types to be banned will leave room for fraudsters ... employ a range of mechanisms in a process of grooming the victim, including building friendship and trust, flattering the victim and appealing to visceral feelings, making victims feel indebted to them, isolating

  2. are_you_listening_interactive.pdf

    expertise which they are eager to contribute to help find solutions. Older people’s forums – which will subsequently be referred to as forums in this document – can be a useful engagement tool. Age UK and ... contact with the Civic Engagement Officer within the Age UK Engagement and Volunteering team and we will be pleased to put you in touch. Call 0800 169 80 80 or email While accumulating

  3. RB_April15_Winter_fuel_payment_briefing.pdf

    in the household qualify.  For example a person aged 80 who lives alone will receive £300 while a couple aged 80 and 85 will normally receive £150 each.  It is paid automatically to people receiving ... cost more or less in future? Next winter 2015/16 it is forecast that 12.3 million people in the UK will receive the WFP at a cost of £2.1 billionii. This is expected to fall to 11.5 million payments at

  4. MCR - SP Male case story.pdf

    include a quote, attributed by name & employer and be accompanied by a photo. Once written, this will need to be Oked by the older person themselves. 1. A 55 year old, employed male attended both of

  5. CRS_Jan16_Pension_reforms_proposed_changes_to_guidance.pdf

    000 may no longer receive the full retirement risk warnings. Many people with savings at this level will depend upon their pension savings, and they could still face increased tax liabilities or reduced ... at-retirement product marketplace is more complex than ever, and is likely to become even more so. It will require constant monitoring and probing to make sure consumers are getting a fair deal, as well as

  6. FS20w.pdf

    package if you are not eligible for NHS CHC 60 14 Retrospective challenges to NHS CHC decisions 62 14.1 Will your case qualify for a retrospective review? 62 14.2 Who can submit a claim? 63 14.3 Who should you ... Factsheet 20w  August 2024 4 of 82 14.6 What will happen if your claim is successful? 67 14.7 If you are dissatisfied with how your claim is treated

  7. Advocacy Counts 6 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    People’s Access to Independent Advocacy in Wales (May 2018) 14 Making older people’s rights a reality will make Wales the best place in the world to grow old 15 Quality Performance Mark and Advocacy Charter ... developed by Welsh Government that relate initially to commissioned children’s advocacy services, but will almost certainly be extended to commissioned adult advocacy services at some stage and may have implications

  8. 20170324Draft-dementia -action-plan.pdf

    document. Without this involvement in service planning and provision, people living with dementia will continue to feel that they are expected to fit in with the delivery patterns of formal services rather ... specialists. Often, and particularly when older people are resident in care homes, their dementia will be diagnosed and managed by a GP, but approximately two-thirds of people with dementia live in the

  9. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 6 Summary_e.pdf

    developed by Welsh Government that relate initially to commissioned children’s advocacy services, but will almost certainly be extended to commissioned adult advocacy services at some stage and may have implications ... older people than in 2016. • Looking ahead, the number of services who believe that their funding will remain the same or increase has risen to 65% compared to 53% in Advocacy Counts 5. • Services specifically

  10. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 6 Eng final.pdf

    developed by Welsh Government that relate initially to commissioned children’s advocacy services, but will almost certainly be extended to commissioned adult advocacy services at some stage and may have implications ... older people than in 2016. • Looking ahead, the number of services who believe that their funding will remain the same or increase has risen to 65% compared to 53% in Advocacy Counts 5. • Services specifically

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