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  1. Age Cymru English - Evaluation report.pdf

    contributing to the well-being of older adults in the UK (Age UK, 2017)8. This is supported by previous research suggesting that provision of art residencies has the potential to improve life for all older people ... raising awareness in the wider communities and changing attitudes in society were also found. The research demonstrating the benefits of creative interventions with older people offer an evidence-base and

  2. CRS_Feb16_Social_Security_Advisory_Committee_ response_on_changes_to_benefit_rules_for_temporary_absence_from_Great_Britain.pdf

    reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy

  3. CRS_Oct14_Home_Office_Domestic_abuse_consultation.pdf

    reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy

  4. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    at Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council Mervyn Kohler, Age UK Dr Kellie Payne, Learning and Research Manager, Campaign to End Loneliness Philip Talbot, Chief Executive, Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire

  5. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    end of life care in hospitals, hospices, care homes and in their own homes, many others do not. Research shows that many people experience unnecessary pain and other symptoms, being treated with a lack ... family, or carers.7 2 Age UK End of Life Evidence Review 2013 Susan Davidson and Tom Gentry Research suggests that people want the following things at the end of life8  Pain and symptoms controlled

  6. know_your_energy_rights.pdf

    process is either by phone or letter. Alternatively, you could take to Twitter or Facebook. Our research tells us that nearly a third (31%) of people who escalate a complaint do so using social media.

  7. CF recruitment pack 2023_English (1).pdf

    deliver wellbeing programmes - We provide independent advocacy - We support carers - We campaign and research The Consultative Forum Age Cymru puts older people at the heart of what we do and for this

  8. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    Rossall Editorial and design Infographics Lindsay Noble Design Acknowledgements TNS Research Foreword Welcome to Agenda for Later Life 2015, Age UK’s annual overview of how public policy is ... levels of awareness Harnessing older people’s contribution and understanding of the legislation. Research commissioned by the Government Equalities Office among employers and service providers found that

  9. CRS_March17_Ofgem_consultation_on_supplier_Standards_of_Conduct.pdf

    reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy ... nduct-suppliers-retail-energy-market.pdf 2 3 Workshop on an enforceable vulnerability

  10. 20170203Loneliness - evidencetoHSCScommittee.pdf

    a decent life and ought to be a high priority in transport policy. 6. Age UK recently published research that tested promising approaches to loneliness.2 It found that people can become lonely due to a ... including whether they disproportionately affect certain groups such as those with dementia. 8. Research detailing the impact of loneliness on physical and mental wellbeing is growing. For example, evidence

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