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  1. FS1w.pdf

    installation”. If you are asked to contribute to the cost of any installations, Ofgem suggest that you “‘shop around’ for the best deal to ensure you are satisfied with any offer made”13. 7.4 Next steps if you

  2. FS41w.pdf

    someone is (or will be) unable to carry out “basic household activities and daily routines”29 (e.g. shopping, cleaning); 29 Ibid Factsheet 41w  May 2024

  3. FS20w.pdf

    could include equipment provision and help with daily domestic tasks, such as food preparation, shopping or washing up. Note: There is, however, a range of everyday household costs that are expected to

  4. CRS_June14_Employment_support_for_unemployed_older_people.pdf

    w o r k his t o r y a t kin d o f a lo w t o medium wage, they may have bounced about a bit, job shopping around a bit, but generally would have kept a similar work pattern throughout their lives . ” (Work

  5. RB_jun17_making_intergenerational_connections.pdf

    help older adults, donation to older adults charity or direct help; crossing the road, carrying shopping). More intentions to spend time with older adults. More positive expectations about future contact

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