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  1. 20230418 WASPI code conduct - Age Cymru response.pdf

    approved Information Commissioners’ Office (ICO) Code of Conduct under the provisions of article 40 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation. WASPI is a tool used for lawful and safe sharing of personal ... explain why many smaller organisations are not already signed up to WASPI. The consultation documents state that this is a neutral cost exercise. However, there is additional work for every organisation that

  2. IG48.pdf

    all. Join our Readers’ Panel at 2) Tell us your story. Have you been affected by any of the issues in this guide? Has Age UK’s information and advice helped? If so, we’d love ... relatable examples that benefit others. Email your story to This information guide has been prepared by Age UK and contains general advice only, it should not be relied on as a basis for

  3. CRS_Aug16_HASC_inquiry_hate_crime_submission.pdf

    consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Katherine Hill, Policy Manager, Equality and Human Rights Age UK Tavis House 1-6 ... 1-6 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity

  4. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Cym.pdf

    Nghymru eu bod wedi teimlo'n unig yn hwyrach yn eu hoes Kantar F2F Omnibus Research polling for Age UK, July 2019 2 Roedd llai na 50% o bobl 75 oed a hŷn yng Nghymru yn defnyddio'r rhyngrwyd yn 2018-19 ... banc Cymru wedi cau BBC Wales news (2019) Wales tops table for UK bank branch closures. 24 September 2019. Mae newidiadau i reolau Credyd Pensiwn ar gyfer

  5. Principles of the Act - Handout.pdf

    are many interpretations of well-being. The Oxford English Dictionary defines well-being as “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy.” In supporting individuals with their well-being, it is essential

  6. Buses - a lifeline for older people.pdf

    hospital appointments both at present and following service reorganisation. At local level, Bus Users UK Wales should be encouraged to take a more proactive approach to the interests of older bus passengers ... 24% of men and 35% of women aged 60+ had used the bus in the previous week compared with 13% of men and 18% of women aged 30-59.3 Bus travel is even more important for older women and for older people

  7. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Religious_Minorities.pdf

    believing in the core tenets of a particular religion; and based on levels of religious practice. The UK census looks at the first of these measures.1 In England and Wales, in the 2011 census, one quarter ... of the population said they had no religion, compared with just 15% with no religion in 2001.2 The UK is relatively secular in its religious attitudes. Although, in the 2011 census, two thirds of the population

  8. Autumn 2022 Newsletter ENG v6.pdf

    quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Autumn Edition 2022 Creating an age friendly Wales Welcome to this busy autumn edition of Age Matters By ... authorities to share good practice on what works well. To read the full report visit: www.agecymru. We are looking to talk with more older people, families

  9. Equity release

    free to use whatever money is left over for your other financial needs. you must own your home in the UK and it must be your main residence. your home must be over a certain value. It may need to be in a ... any means-tested benefits, they may be reduced or lost entirely. Means-tested benefits include: Pension Credit Jobseeker’s Allowance Income Support income-related Employment and Support Allowance Universal

  10. RB_June14_CPA_Outcomes_prevention_monitoring.pdf

    sess the population level effects of  non‐medical prevention interventions so far attempted in the UK.    The evaluation addressed the issue of the programme’s impact on the quality of life of older people in two ways ... European countries: Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and the UK. A major aim of EConDA is to establish a consensus over the best methods for measuring the cost-effectiveness

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