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  1. Winter_Warmth_Impact_Report.pdf

    winter warmth services Impact report 2011–2014 21 Age UK’s winter warmth servicesExposure to the cold can have a devastating impact on the health of older people. Every winter 25,000i older people die needlessly, as a result of cold weather in the UK. The UK’s excess winter death rate is much higher than other colder countries. Research suggests that cold weather morbidity is preventable and a

  2. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Lessons_Learnt.pdf

    Technology Together Pilot - Evaluation Vinal K Karania Page 1 of 6 31st May 2013 Research Department, Age UK Technology Together Pilot Lessons Document Technology Together is a collaborative project between Age UK and YouthNet to develop an intergeneration model that uses young volunteers to help older people develop their knowledge and understanding of what is and how to use technology, in

  3. One_Digital_Phase_1_Evaluation-Full_Report.pdf

    One Digital Learning from the Age UK Project Vinal K Karania (Research Manager), December 2016 BACKGROUND WHAT IS ONE DIGITAL? • Big Lottery-funded venture led by a partnership of Digital Unite, Affinity Sutton, AbilityNet, SCVO, Age UK and Citizens Online • Each partner delivered specific projects, through the use ‘trusted intermediaries’ to promote and deliver basic digital skills to end

  4. Bywyd ar incwm isel - FINAL - W.pdf

    Bywyd ar incwm isel Mai 2014 Realiti tlodi pobl hyˆn yng Nghymru 2 Dylai pob unigolyn hyˆn gael safon ddigonol o fyw yn hwyrach mewn bywyd. Ni ddylai neb oddef gostyngiad trychinebus yn eu safon byw ar ôl ymddeol, na derbyn bywyd lle cânt eu gorfodi i ddewis rhwng hanfodion sylfaenol yn ddyddiol er mwyn cadw deupen llinyn ynghyd. Er hynny, mae enghreifftiau gwirioneddol yn yr adroddiad hwn o sut

  5. Community_Energy_Programme_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    holding awareness raising events. “One of the first things that I did when I came back in was having a chat with everybody in the building to let them know what I was doing, the fact that I was here, the type

  6. Fuel Poverty policy statement - October 2017.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Fuel poverty October 2017 Fuel poverty is a significant problem for many older people in Wales. In Wales, fuel poverty is defined as needing to spend 10 per cent or more of household income on fuel to maintain a heating regime adequate to safeguard comfort and health. Around 291,000 households were estimated to be in fuel poverty in 2016, equivalent to

  7. Loneliness policy statement - May 2017.pdf

    1 Public Policy Statement Loneliness May 2017 Note: This policy statement focuses on those community services and activities which facilitate the inclusion and participation of older people, which can help overcome loneliness and isolation. Age Cymru has separate public policy statements on the built environment (which includes the provision of public toilets), community services and

  8. RB_Dec13_Roundtable_is_it_too_late_to_save.pdf

    Age UK Financial Services Commission Roundtable discussion: is it too late to save? Thursday 5 December 2013 2 There are three key challenges to overcome in assisting Generation R (ages 50 – 64) to focus on their approaching retirement, increase their savings time-horizon and take corrective action. These challenges are: 1. Uncertainty and mistrust; 2. Better understanding of risk; and 3.

  9. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    Dementia and cognitive decline A review of the evidence Sujata Ray and Dr Susan Davidson 2014 AGE UK RESEARCH 1 Dementia and Cognitive Decline Evidence Review Oct 2014 Sujata Ray and Dr Susan Davidson Contents Foreword ..................................................................................................................

  10. RB_June17_Jo_Cox_Loneliness_Booklet.pdf

    Parliamentary briefing How you can change the lives of lonely older people. Most of us have felt miserably and lonely at some point in our lives. For many, life moves on and the feelings pass. But for some loneliness becomes chronic, and it becomes increasingly difficult to find ways to reconnect and form meaningful relationships. Age UK is proud to be a member of the Jo Cox Commission on

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