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  1. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery - October 2020 ENG.pdf

    people also told us about having dementia assessments cancelled including assessments for medication. ‘I was told over the phone in March that my husband has dementia, but he has still not been assessed ... experience of providing support. ‘I have been working 7 days a week keeping my clients who live with dementia safe at home. I have done this by supplying my own PPE and using people’s strengths, capabilities

  2. Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    can provide you with care. • You have dementia and live alone (the exemption might also apply if there was another person living at the property who also has dementia, or another type of ‘severe mental impairment’) ... information, see our free guides Carer’s Allowance, Advice for carers and Caring for someone with dementia. 38 More money in your pocket Working-age benefits If you’re under State Pension age there are other

  3. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery - October 2020 ENG.pdf

    people also told us about having dementia assessments cancelled including assessments for medication. ‘I was told over the phone in March that my husband has dementia, but he has still not been assessed ... experience of providing support. ‘I have been working 7 days a week keeping my clients who live with dementia safe at home. I have done this by supplying my own PPE and using people’s strengths, capabilities

  4. FS78w.pdf

    interaction”.  “Inappropriate or inadequate clothing”11. Example: Mrs C lives in a care home. She has dementia and needs a high level of support and assistance. She is often left on her own, has little interaction ... more likely to neglect themselves include people with mental health issues (such as depression or dementia), or alcohol or drug problems. Alternatively, it can indicate the onset of other illnesses. Self-neglect

  5. Social care funding policy statement.pdf

    26 years, there has been a rise of 25% in DALYs associated with neurological conditions including dementia. 45% of adults aged over 75 in Wales report having two or more long term illnesses. Prevention There ... smaller number who have to self-fund over a period for up to 6 years or more e.g. when they have dementia. There have been Royal Commissions, numerous Government White and Green Papers and consultations

  6. IG21w.pdf

    ddiffyg galluedd meddyliol. Ni ddylai fod â chyflwr penodol, ychwaith. Er enghraifft, dydy byw gyda dementia ddim yn golygu na allwch chi wneud unrhyw benderfyniadau, o reidrwydd. Os ydych chi’n cael trafferth ... hefyd, fel: • Meddwl am ddiwedd eich oes • Ewyllysiau a chynllunio ystad • Byw gyda chamau cynnar dementia 0300 303 44 98 Os nad yw manylion cyswllt eich cangen leol o Age Cymru yn y

  7. Safe to be me - Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services - A resource pack for professionals.pdf

    negative reactions in new situations. This can be especially true of an LGBT person living with dementia or who is very dependent on others for aspects of their care. Professional conduct guidance Guidance ... unisex facilities in addition to ‘ladies’ and ‘gents’. 31 This checklist follows a format devised by Dementia Care Matters, to enable organisations to appraise themselves and identify action areas on which

  8. CRS_March17_Ofgem_consultation_on_supplier_Standards_of_Conduct.pdf

    conditions, including depression. • Lack of mental capacity, for example people living with advanced dementia. • Cognitive decline, such as diminished memory function or ability to deal with new situations

  9. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    number of older people lacking mental capacity – there could be 1.14 million people living with dementia by 202515 – who may be tricked into a scam. One caller to our information and advice line described

  10. CRS_May17_ submission_to_CMA_on_DCT_market_study.pdf

    could help these consumers. Cognitive impairment  850,000 people are estimated to be living with dementia in the UK, of whom 808,000 are aged 65+. By 2051, this is projected to exceed 2 million.12  While

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