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  1. CRS_Dec15_Public_Financial_Guidance.pdf

    affected cannot afford – for example, advice on what to do about an unpaid interest-only mortgage  If free guidance is provided by a product provider, it can help with broader questions relating to the ... Without infrastructure funding to provide sustainability, services may be 5 working on short-term contracts, which can take six months to get going and at the end of which trained staff are often lost.

  2. AC5 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    varied and at different stages of development. What appears to have happened in some areas is that contracts are being awarded to organisations who can deliver to all adults instead of individual specialist ... gathered, establishing who was still providing advocacy and any new providers that may have gained new contracts with local authorities, and we made direct contact with as many as we could and with those we had

  3. Age Cymru response to Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Condiitons in Adults consultation response July 2021.pdf

    older people’s experiences of the most recent lockdown highlights issues that older people and their carers are facing with delays in hospital treatment.4 The majority of conditions that were identifiable ... some will be unable to provide childcare for their families and some will be at risk of losing employment whilst waiting for treatment. Increasing waiting times will have a huge effect on the wider Welsh

  4. RB_April15_Vulnerability_resilience_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    Charity Director General, Age UK 5 What are the key aspects of vulnerability in later life? Even if we disregard the role of chance and accident, there is still a wide variation in the extent to which ... to poorer life chances means those older people from less affluent backgrounds are at greatest risk. If we don’t recognise and offer support to older people who are vulnerable, we risk their moving into

  5. Protection from abuse

    course of their work with an older person. We produce a detailed factsheet which is designed to help you if: You are an older person who is being abused or neglected, or may be at risk of this. You are ... these instances – whether you know the individual involved through your role as a professional, carer, relative or friend – you may have an important part to play in safeguarding them from abuse

  6. Age Cymru response to Senedd consultation on hospital discharge January 2022.pdf

    inquiry into hospital discharge as this an area that disproportionately affects older people and older carers. Age Cymru provide a person centred, independent advocacy service that amplifies the voice of both ... even in instances where Lasting Powers of Attorney are in place and where family members are known carers for the person. In addition to delays, this can lead to unsafe and completely inappropriate discharge

  7. CRS_May14_Smith_Institute_Making_Work_Better.pdf

    must be done to tackle age discrimination in the workplace. This can be done through educating employers and managers to avoid discriminating and to challenge stereotypes; and by improving access to redress ... welldocumented benefits for employers such as increased productivity. • Many people have a positive experience of flexible working, and have successfully agreed with their employer to alter their working pattern

  8. English Manifesto.pdf

    moved away from the area. Although she is the primary carer for her husband who recently suffered a stroke, Amra has no knowledge of her rights as a carer. Amra’s lack of awareness of her benefit entitlement ... can the local authority do? Commission good quality information and advice to help older people and carers to make informed decisions, plan ahead, access services and entitlements and contribute to society

  9. FS49.pdf

    Payments. You qualify by meeting the conditions of entitlement laid down in law for each type of payment. If you are refused a payment, you have a right of appeal against the decision. 1.1 Winter Fuel Payments ... to pensioner households on certain means-tested benefits to help with the cost of fuel. You qualify if someone in your household has reached State Pension age by the end of the qualifying week and they

  10. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2021-22 E FINAL.pdf

    his application. Mr L is now a volunteer doing a role he enjoys and feels less isolated. Ms Q was a carer to an old family friend, but he lived some distance from her home, and she had to travel there every ... friend. Ms Q had been a carer for years but had never seen herself as such. The person she was caring for wasn’t in receipt of Attendance Allowance and Ms Q wasn’t in receipt of Carers’ Allowance. Our HOPE

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