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  1. Webinar summary report - Final.pdf

    organisations with expertise in independent advocacy services, and the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) undertook a survey of advocates and gathered evidence of the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) ... Rights Through the Pandemic and beyond”formed the basis of The Big Eventswhich were a virtual series of five webinars arranged and organised by HOPE (Helping others participate and engage), held over a period

  2. Conversation resource - English.pdf

    asked over Zoom about their experience and have taken their time to share stories with us. The stories and insights we heard were often uplifting, sometimes sad but always full of inspiration and hope. The ... us and the care home residents. Why conversations like this matter Since the dawn of humanity some things have remained constant: we live together in groups, we travel and move around together, and we

  3. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter May 2023.pdf

    such an important service and we have a dedicated and highly trained team of advocates across Wales. For those of you who refer into the project please continue to do so and email: dementiaadvocacy@agecymru ... requiring advocacy needs to have a diagnosis of dementia • We are only able to support the person and not the carer although by supporting the person with dementia it is likely to make the carer’s life

  4. What to do when someone dies

    we feel least able to manage. The following pages take you step by step through what you need to go and where to go for help.

  5. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021 (4).pdf

    Co-ordinator for Cardiff & Vale has changed roles to that of Advocacy Development Officer for Cardiff & Vale and Cwm Taf Morgannwg. Sara Timothy who joined as Advocacy Development Officer for Gwent has taken over ... project team and we’re now delighted to report that with effect from 11 January 2021 the final two roles have been filled and we welcome Briony and Janet. Our HOPE team is now complete and consists of

  6. Tell me more consent WEL.docx 1. Rwy’ncytunoigymrydrhanyn y prosiectDywedwchFwyar Zoom ( neublatfformrhithwirarall)2. Rwy’ncytuno y byddunrhywwybodaethsy’ncaeleichasgluyncaelei defnyd

  7. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2020.pdf

    people (50+) and carers all over Wales. The HOPE project (Helping others to participate and engage) was officially launched on 6 October 2020 with the support of Deputy Minister Julie Morgan and Welsh celebrity ... celebrity Roy Noble. HOPE is a partnership project between Age Cymru, Age Cymru local partners and Age Connects Wales partners throughout Wales. The project is funded by Welsh Government under the Sustainable

  8. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter October 2023 Final.pdf

    are approaching the three quarter point of the project and want to take this opportunity to remind everyone what HOPE is all about and the service and opportunity we provide. Age Cymru’s HOPE project ... independent advocacy support to local older people (50+) and carers so they can help shape the key decisions affecting their own lives and thereby avoid getting into a crisis situation. HOPE is a

  9. Strategy for an Ageing Society - March 2021.pdf

    in planning for our ageing society and why. Have we prioritised the right areas? Comments: We welcome a rights based approach, as we believe that the promotion and protection of the rights of older people ... awareness of a rights based approach. Older people need to know how they can exercise their rights, and in order to do this, they need to be aware of their rights. The Action Plan will need to detail how

  10. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy October 2023 Final.pdf

    are approaching the three quarter point of the project and want to take this opportunity to remind everyone what HOPE is all about and the service and opportunity we provide. Age Cymru’s HOPE project ... independent advocacy support to local older people (50+) and carers so they can help shape the key decisions affecting their own lives and thereby avoid getting into a crisis situation. HOPE is a

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