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  1. Care Home Visiting profile - Welsh.pdf

    1 Gwirfoddolwr Cefnogi Ymwelwyr Cartrefi Gofal Age Cymru Mae hon yn rôl gyffrous, newydd sydd wedi'i datblygu i helpu cartrefi gofal i groesawu ymwelwyr yn unol â rheolau Covid-19. Ar ôl blwyddyn o gyfyngiadau mawrion o ran ymweld â chartrefi gofal oherwydd cyfyngiadau Covid-19, gwyddom fod cyfeillion a / neu deulu yn awyddus i allu dychwelyd i ymweld â'u hanwyliaid. Bydd y swydd wirfoddol hon

  2. RB_May12_Health_care_quality_report.pdf

    HEALTH CARE QUALITY FOR AN ACTIVE LATER LIFE Improving quality of prevention and treatment through information: England 2005 to 2012 MAY 2012 A report from the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry ... reserved. © 2012 PCMD Ageing Research Group, University of Exeter. All rights reserved. HEALTH CARE QUALITY FOR AN ACTIVE LATER LIFE: Improving quality of prevention and treatment through information:

  3. Supporting you to be heard leaflet (ew5).pdf

    don’t understand the information people give me about my care and support • I think I might need help but I don’t know how to go about it or what will happen next • I am not able to say what matters to me ... people are telling me what would be best for me. • I need someone independent to help me say how I feel • Sometimes I struggle to remember information, which means that making choices is really difficult

  4. Supporting people.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... to prepare You can help the person you’re supporting with preparing for eventualities that may arise. This can help people feel less anxious, and help things seem less uncertain in this uncertain time. •

  5. HOPE Project external evaluation tender notice June 2020.pdf

    engage) Notice to submit a tender to undertake work to deliver an independent external evaluation of the HOPE Project SECTION I: CONTRACTING ORGANISATION I.1) NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Contact: ... Charity number: 1128436 The Age Cymru Vision and Mission Our vision for a world in which older people flourish, is shared with our national partners across the UK. Our mission is to improve life for older

  6. Measuring a nation's progress - April 2019.pdf

    assist Welsh Ministers in measuring a nation’s progress? Welsh Government April 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older ... access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We

  7. Advocacy.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... Creating an age friendly Wales Advocacy Advocacy is an important service to support people to have their voices heard, their wishes respected and to feel equal in relationships with others so that they can feel

  8. MCR - SP Male case story.pdf

    person Ideally this is 100 - 150 words summarising: • where the older person was before ( not employed/ employed /in need of support), • what they did with the Age at Work programme • what happened as a result ... this will need to be Oked by the older person themselves. 1. A 55 year old, employed male attended both of the Mid-Career Review webinars. At present, he is balancing the need to finish paying off his

  9. CRS_Oct10_Engagement_and_volunteering_topic_briefing.pdf

    explores older peoples’ involvement in volunteering and politics. Nearly 4.9 million people aged 65 and over in England (58%) take part in volunteering or civic engagement.1 In our own Age UK survey we found ... found that 41% of people over retirement age in the UK volunteer on a regular basis (this could be formally or informally).2 Similarly, Government surveys in England have found that that 39% of people aged

  10. More money in your pocket

    that more than £200m worth of Pension Credit and other state benefits goes unclaimed by older people in Wales. We can help make sure you're not missing out.

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