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  1. RB_Oct16_Hidden_in_plain_sight_older_peoples_mental_health.pdf

    recovery following IAPT treatment, 2014-2016 13 the IAPT programme focused on adults below state pension age, and targets around improving access to employment further reinforce this emphasis.42 As the ... older – as they expected her to have little mental capability. Elizabeth, once a very social woman, lost her selfesteem and didn’t mix with people around the accommodation. Again, her anxiety got the better

  2. RB_June17_Jo_Cox_Loneliness_Booklet.pdf

    asked for help. During the war I served in the Army and spent four years as a prisoner of war. I’ve lost two wonderful wives and I live here alone now. I wanted to get out of the house – I felt very depressed ... to come together to do what we can to help lonely older people. ‘I didn’t want to go out. After I’d lost my husband, I couldn’t see the point. He’d gone, my life had gone and I just didn’t want to do

  3. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2015_2016.pdf

    report on age-friendly banking. Pension reforms We have influenced the implementation of the Government’s pension reforms by giving evidence to Parliamentary committees on pension communications and the gender ... recommendations, including that the Government should contact people who will receive less from the new State Pension, and that jobs should be ‘flexible by default’. Providing valuable research The Disconnected Mind

  4. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    reconstruction. Poverty and voice • 120,000 pensioners in Wales live in poverty (i) • It’s estimated that 80,000 households in Wales that are eligible for Pension Credit are not claiming it (ii) • There’s ... increase knowledge and raise awareness of the rights of older people across Wales. Pensioner poverty While 120,000 pensioners live in poverty (v), millions of pounds of entitlements go unclaimed each year

  5. RB_March12_Getting_out_and_about.pdf

    people to travel off-peak on buses anywhere in England for free. Eligibility is tied to women’s State Pension age for both men and women. It is a crucial universal benefit that is greatly valued by older people ... concession provides free off-peak travel anywhere in England for everyone, once they reach the State Pension age for women. Off-peak bus travel is between 9.30am and 11pm, Monday to Friday, and all day at

  6. What matters to you.docx

    you’ll have enough money to live on this year?o Yeso NoD1.a. Please tell us moreD2. Do you receive pension credit?o Yeso No,I’veappliedbutI’mnoteligibleo No,I’veneverappliedo I’veneverheardofitMore than ... ascanyourfinances.TomakeaclaimforPensionCredit,peopleshouldcall the DWP Pension Credit claim line direct on 0800 99 1234 or visit What best describes your home situation

  7. 20210917 Local Government and Housing Cttee - Age Cymru response (1).pdf

    People’s Alliance (COPA), Welsh Senate of Older People, Active Wales, National Pensioners Convention Wales, and Pensioners Forum Wales worked together to gather the experiences of people aged 50 or over

  8. FS16.pdf

    (NI) contributions, tax liability, benefits, and pensions that you, your spouse or civil partner may be receiving now, or in the future. It can affect pensions that may be payable to your spouse based on your ... your earnings or NI contributions. State Pension For the purposes of State Pension, a trans person must be recognised in their acquired gender if they have had gender reassignment surgery and lived in

  9. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2016_2017.pdf

    non-contributory pension for all older people. In Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous part of Tanzania, I saw for myself the transformational difference that the introduction of the state-funded pension is making to ... Pakistan, which has helped 5,000 older people set up small businesses. We also helped ensure that pensions were introduced or improved in eight countries. Improving health We helped ensure that essential

  10. FS65.pdf

    7 Life expectancy 7 3.8 Welfare benefits 7 3.9 Benefit checks 8 3.10 Impact of equity release on Pension Credit 8 3.11 Mortgage interest relief 9 3.12 Charges for care services 10 3.13 Inflation 11 3.14 ... managing your money. Age UK has factsheets on social security benefits including Attendance Allowance, Pension Credit, and Council Tax as well as dealing with debt, and funding for repairs, improvements and adaptations

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