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  1. CRS_March12_Charging_fees_in_ET_and_EAT.pdf

    1 Ref: 0512 Charging fees in Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal 6 March 2012 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational ... consultation paper examines possible options for introducing a system of fee charging into the Employment Tribunal and appeals system. The stated aim is to ensure users of the Tribunals service meet the

  2. Self Assessment Form for Commissioner ENGLISH.docx

    efficiently to support well-being outcomes. Work with representative groups of potential service users and carers to raise awareness of advocacy in all its forms, in exercising control over their well-being outcomes ... documents supporting these statements; monitoring reports providing evidence of service delivery; contracts in place; evidence of stakeholder input, etc.Once you have considered the currently available evidence

  3. Good Practice Guide v4.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Making relationships count A helpful guide for families, unpaid carers and care staff supporting a person moving to live in a care home. 2 Age Cymru: Making relationships ... decision to support someone to move into a care home. It aims to raise awareness of the needs of older carers and the value of engaging them as experts in the care of the person they care for. It also provides

  4. CRS_Aug12_Age_UK_response_on_Universal_Credit _Work_and_Pensions_Committee.pdf

    system. The older partner could be financially better off living alone and claiming Pension Credit.  Carers and people with limited capacity to work who have an older partner may receive additional elements ... than under the current system. And it is unclear whether rates will be increased if the older partner is disabled and if so how disability will be assessed.  Older partners may have to draw more on their

  5. EnvisAGE14_english_web.pdf

    living in council housing. Financial constraints can begin to harm social networks at an early age, and if sustained across the lifecourse, may have implications for loneliness and social isolation in later ... cent was still higher than is acceptable in a fair society, but it showed that poverty could be solved if decision-makers wanted to. Things have begun to change recently and the poverty rate amongst pensioners

  6. CRS_Sept13_Evidence_to_MCA_Select_Committee.pdf

    low level of awareness of the legislation among professionals, individuals and their families and carers. 1.4. Decision making involving older people often takes place in moments of crisis, under time ... take a greater role in relation to the MCA. More emphasis also needs to be placed on the role of employers who have a clear responsibility for ensuring that their staff are aware of and confident to use

  7. Age Cymru – May 2022 - Consultation response - Economic and rural impact of cost of living pressures - The Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee.pdf

    unpaid help or support to someone. Of these unpaid carers, 55% have increased the amount of care they provide in the prior three months. A number of carers have also told us that they’ve had to reduce their ... their working hours, or leave their job to become carers for their loved ones as health and social services struggle to return to normal levels of provision. Another key issue for older workers is ageism

  8. Newsletter Nov 2020 v2.pdf

    respondents with many relying on family and friends or volunteers to maintain vital supplies. Many older carers struggled with an increase in their responsibilities, caring for longer and needing to provide more ... the Welsh Government and supported by the Welsh Local Government Association and Volunteering Wales. If you know of anyone who would like to volunteer as a caller for the FiN initiative, please contact

  9. CRS_April13_Practice_on_Settlement_Agreements.pdf

    establishment of settlement agreements, which will be used as a means of ending employment relationships. The agreements will allow employers and employees to negotitate the terms of exit, often by-passing other ... draft statutory Code of practice. Key points and recommendations • We are concerned that some employers will use settlement agreements as a means of forcing older workers to leave their organisation because

  10. CRS_Oct11_New_challenges_new_chances.pdf

    potential to re-engage people in the skills and training system, and to help more people move into employment. • It is an important component of the policy to extend working lives because it will allow people ... addition, providers must be able to respond flexibly and promptly to changes in learner and employer requirements, if the Government is to achieve its aim of implementing a fully demand-led system. The proposed

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