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People also search for: what is sheltered housing, what age do you get the pension, £500 per year fuel allowance

  1. Managing your money in Winter

    A few simple changes to your home or a bit of extra help could ease the problem if you find you worry more about money at this time of year.

  2. About the project

    Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant, will support the early identification of older carers to provide timely and person-centred information and advice.

  3. Money & legal

    A guide to money matters that may affect elderly people. Find information and advice on claiming benefits, income tax, money management, pensions and legal advice. Finance can be complicated, let Age Cymru

  4. Advance decisions (living wills)

    treatment you want, or refuse some types of medical treatment in certain situations, if you lack capacity to make or communicate your decisions at the time.

  5. Power of Attorney

    There are a number of reasons why you might need someone to make decisions for you, or act on your behalf. A power of attorney can make decisions for you.

  6. Free Wills Month

    with other national charities, takes part in Free Wills Month, offering supporters the opportunity to have a will written or updated free of charge.

  7. HOPE Project external evaluation tender notice June 2020.pdf

    1 HOPE Project (Helping others participate and engage) Notice to submit a tender to undertake work to deliver an independent external evaluation of the HOPE Project SECTION I: CONTRACTING ORGANISATION ... in which older people flourish, is shared with our national partners across the UK. Our mission is to improve life for older people. HOPE Project (Helping others participate and engage): Background

  8. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (Summary Booklet.pdf

    UK’s fit for the future Programme Supporting older people to achieve a healthier lifestyle fit for the future was a person-centred programme to improve the physical health and mental wellbeing of older ... developed with them a personal, tailored plan to suit their health and wellbeing needs. The support provided to older people included sign-posting, referrals to other services, provision of activities, practical

  9. Measuring a nation's progress - April 2019.pdf

    leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services ... opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Welsh

  10. Shopping.pdf

    house of the person you’re supporting. 3. Leave food / goods outside on the doorstep. 4. Communicate to the person in isolation that you have delivered via message or phone call. Get confirmation that the ... delivery e.g. If it’s meant to be frozen, is it still frozen? 6. Recommend that recipients wash shopping wherever possible and wash their hands after touching it. 7. Remember to wash hands before and after

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