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  1. Ageism

    because of your age. It can also include the way that older people are represented in the media, which can have a wider impact on the public’s attitudes. If you experience ageism, it can impact on your confidence ... a job because of your age being refused interest-free credit, a new credit card, car insurance or travel insurance because of your age receiving a lower quality of service in a shop or restaurant because

  2. 2020-2021 Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    and programmes directly to older people in the community and we ensure the highest standards so you can be assured of consistency and quality wherever you see the Age Cymru name and logo. Our family includes ... Charity 1128436 Date of publication: June 2020 3 More money in your pocket Contents What this guide is about 4 What you can claim Benefits at a glance 7 Your pension State Pension: you’ve earned it – make

  3. How to trace lost money

    addresses or you may have had an account opened for you as a child that you’ve forgotten about. An account can be lost or marked as ‘inactive’ if: a financial institution hasn’t been able to contact you – most ... inactive for several years, the money in it is still yours and you are entitled to claim it at any time. Complete an application online using the free My Lost Account service Use the GOV.UK Pension Tracing

  4. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    context and background 14 Research aims 16 Research design and sample 16 1 Perceptions of hardship 18 What is seen as hardship? 18 Life trajectories and previous experiences 19 Making comparisons to others ... Restrictions, compromise and going without 28 What can threaten the balance? 32 Conclusion 35 3 The emotional experience of living on a low income 36 What it feels like to be living on a low income 36

  5. Good Practice Guide v4.pdf

    and families who are caring for someone who is moving to a care home • Hear from care homes about what works well for them, and how they actively support families and older carers • Share a reflective ... staff understanding the needs of older carers and families ......................................10 Time for Reflection: A Training Resource for Care Home Staff ..................10 Age Cymru and Carers

  6. Profiadau pobl 50 oed neu hŷn yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo COVID-19 dros y gaeaf, a’r daith i adfer Canlyniadau’r Arolwg Mai 2021.pdf

    gyfeillgar Profiadau pobl 50 oed neu hŷn yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo COVID-19 dros y gaeaf, a’r daith i adfer Canlyniadau’r Arolwg Mai 2021 Cynnwys Page 1. Ynghylch y gwaith ymchwil hwn 3 2. Cael mynediad ... Llacio’r cyfnod clo 18 8. Heriau dod o’r cyfnod clo 19 9. Cefnogaeth sydd ei hangen i ymgysylltu â’r gymuned leol wrth i’r cyfnod clo lacio 23 2 Profiadau o Covid Canlyniadau’r Arolwg Mai 2021 Rhan

  7. Profiadau presennol pandemig Covid 19 pobl 50 oed a throsodd yng Nghymru, a safbwyntiau ar y flwyddyn i ddod - Mehefin 2022.pdf

    Profiadau presennol pandemig Covid-19 pobl 50 oed a throsodd yng Nghymru, a safbwyntiau ar y flwyddyn i ddod Mehefin 2022 Dyfyniad Page Yr ymchwil 3 Profiadau cyfredol o bandemig Covid-19 1. Profiadau cadarnhaol ... Effaith pandemig Covid-19 29 9. Cyfathrebiad 31 Y flwyddyn sydd i ddod 1. Edrych ymlaen at 33 2. Heriau yn ystod y flwyddyn sydd i ddod 35 3. Ail-ymgysylltu â’r gymuned 37 4. Cyllid yn y dyfodol

  8. Age Cymru - Profiadau presennol pandemig Covid-19 pobl 50 oed a throsodd yng Nghymru, a safbwyntiau ar y flwyddyn i ddod - Mehefin 2022.pdf

    Profiadau presennol pandemig Covid-19 pobl 50 oed a throsodd yng Nghymru, a safbwyntiau ar y flwyddyn i ddod Mehefin 2022 Dyfyniad Page Yr ymchwil 3 Profiadau cyfredol o bandemig Covid-19 1. Profiadau cadarnhaol ... Effaith pandemig Covid-19 29 9. Cyfathrebiad 31 Y flwyddyn sydd i ddod 1. Edrych ymlaen at 33 2. Heriau yn ystod y flwyddyn sydd i ddod 35 3. Ail-ymgysylltu â’r gymuned 37 4. Cyllid yn y dyfodol

  9. 20210219 DAP Communication tools Brief - final.pdf

    quality information and advice and through a range of services available in our local communities. 2. What Age Cymru project is this for? We are seeking to develop a range of communication tools to support ... pandemic people with dementia are particularly impacted with restrictions they don’t understand and can’t comply with, the need to access services which might be difficult to do, carer breakdown with the

  10. How to get help with urgent or one-off expenses

    no money at all for some reason, you may be able to get financial help to cover that cost. What help you can get may depend on your circumstances. You may be able to get an advance payment of your benefit ... your benefit claim, you may be able to get a short-term advance . Budgeting Loans Budgeting Loans can help you pay for essential items such as furniture, clothing and removal costs. To be able to claim

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