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  1. RB_Sept17_Age_UK_Budget_Representation.pdf

    number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 Key points and recommendations  Putting social care on a sustainable footing: the Government should publish ... with older people, we perceive the context for this Budget as one of funding squeezes affecting the key public services on which older people rely – in particular, health and social care, local transport

  2. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack.pdf

    Cymru The board Our team Job description Person specification Principal terms and conditions Key dates Code of Practice for Trustees Recruitment Equalities and Diversity Monitoring Form 4 5 8 ... purpose, provide vision and direction, and fully discharge its legal and regulatory responsibilities. Key responsibilities 1. Strategic leadership  Ensure that the Board operates within its charitable objectives

  3. 20190725 Health Social Care and Sport Committees consultation on the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill VL.pdf

    staff never ask, eg, what helps this person drink or sleep, or how they signal they need to go to the toilet. Care home staff are frequently not told what rehabilitation their residents have had in hospital ... home doubly incontinent, because hospital staff did not know how they signalled their need for the toilet;  people who were walking in the care home come back from hospital in wheelchairs, needing hoists

  4. IG49.pdf

    drying your hair? Do you need reminding when it’s time to wash? Going to the toilet. Do you need help getting to the toilet, adjusting your clothes, using the bathroom during the night, or changing clothes

  5. RB_Oct12_Sheltered_And_Retirement_Housing.pdf

    residents’ inquiry into sheltered and retirement housing 1 Acknowledgements 3 Executive summary 4 Key recommendations 5 Introduction 7 What is this inquiry? 7 Definitions 8 Background to the inquiry 8 ... comments of the residents’ panel and the witnesses participating in the inquiry. Executive summary 5 Key recommendations • There should be a comprehensive policy review of future models and funding of sheltered

  6. CRS_Oct16_Reporting_acting_on_child_abuse_and_neglect.pdf

    also seeks views on whether the scope of these possible changes should extend to vulnerable adults. Key points and recommendations  Older people are at particular risk of experiencing abuse and neglect ... minimum local Safeguarding Adults Boards should have clear plans in place to engage with and train key individuals in these sectors). 6. Conclusion  Good adult safeguarding outcomes are most likely to

  7. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 6 Eng final.pdf

    address the barriers. In response, the Welsh Government announced a programme of work that includes key elements relating to advocacy. This report looks at all types of advocacy provision which supports ... fundamental part of the advocacy services provided by the respondents to this survey. Safeguarding is a key area in which there is a requirement for Local Authorities to provide IPA in certain circumstances

  8. CRS_Oct15_ECC_Committee_energy_efficiency_inquiry.pdf

    companionship and advice for older people who need it most. This response address the inquiry’s key questions: why have previous or current energy efficiency schemes – including the Energy Company Obligation ... reports we commissioned the think tank ResPublica to produce, and evidence from other countries. 1. Key recommendations 1.1 Improving home energy efficiency will help cut carbon emissions, improve energy

  9. RB_July15_AgeUK_survey_attitudes_to_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    existing pension annuity. July 2015 Contact: 2 Contents 1. Key points ........................................................................................... ... people cash in their income? .................................................................. 6 1. Key points  Only five per cent of people with an existing annuity income said they would consider exchanging

  10. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 6 Summary_e.pdf

    address the barriers. In response, the Welsh Government announced a programme of work that includes key elements relating to advocacy. This report looks at all types of advocacy provision which supports ... fundamental part of the advocacy services provided by the respondents to this survey. Safeguarding is a key area in which there is a requirement for Local Authorities to provide IPA in certain circumstances

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