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  1. JD Policy and Campaigns Officer Eng .pdf

    Age Cymru health and social care policy inclusive of responding to consultations, policy monitoring and development, and campaign research. 2. To implement Age Cymru health and social care campaign plans ... relationships with external partners and organisations for the effective delivery of the Age Cymru health and social care campaigns 4. To deliver relevant projects 5. Organise and support internal influencing development

  2. Technology_Together_Evaluation_Jan-2015.pdf

    ................................................ 7 How successful was the project in recruiting socially isolated older people?....................... 7 Did older people benefit from participating in this ... are consistent with those of similar other projects. How successful was the project in recruiting socially isolated older people?  The project recruited 264 older people onto the project (176% of project

  3. CRS_Oct15_Primary_Care_Public_Health_Inquiry.pdf

    to inspiring healthy lifestyles and active ageing.  Older people are more likely to respond positively to preventative/self-care strategies when they are actively engaged in their health. This requires ... part of ageing that we can encourage and accelerate behaviour change towards healthy lifestyles and active ageing. Public health policies also require combining a mix of policy instruments that focus on

  4. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    be more acceptance of feeling lonely. If someone has lived in one place for longer, they have more social interaction with that area. However, if someone moves later in their life then they may not have ... is an area where policy can reduce the risk of loneliness. It can provide access to facilities and social networks. It is key to keeping people connected. During the meeting Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire

  5. RB_2013_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    .................................................................. 13 Alleviating loneliness and social isolation ...................................................................................... ... ..................................................................................... 18 Lacking social networks .......................................................................................

  6. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement - March 2019.pdf

    discrimination in goods and services has the potential to improve the lives of older people are in health and social care. The financial services sector, however, has been largely exempted from the ban. The Equality ... people. Under the Equality Act 2010, there is an outright ban on age discrimination in health and social care, although people can continue to be treated differently if there is objective justification

  7. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    Key calls for action 5 Transport 7 Health and social care 11 Fuel poverty 15 Broadband access 19 Poverty and financial exclusion 23 Loneliness and social isolation 29 Notes 33 2 Introduction Living in ... higher living costs, housing that is hard to heat and maintain, poor transport links and more limited social networks. This report aims both to present these challenges and to showcase ways of overcoming them

  8. CSR_May13_UNDESA_Call_for_input.pdf

    Age UK would like to submit the following observations. About Age UK Age UK is a charity and a social enterprise driven by the needs and aspirations of people in later life. Our vision is a world in ... older people. • Recognises that ageing in itself is not an impairment but that it is the legal, social, institutional and other barriers that older people face that perpetuate discrimination and violation

  9. RB_July17_Age_UK_Human_rights_of_older_persons_and_their_comprehensive_care.pdf

    report, Human rights of older persons and their comprehensive care, was produced by the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, aiming to promote human rights of older persons. It ... accessibility and affordability of health care and long-term care for older persons;  integrate health- and social-care services for older persons;  ensure adequate training of health-care professionals in geriatrics

  10. CRS_Sept16_UPR-submission.pdf

    failure to address discrimination on the basis of older age and to recognise ageism as a harmful social norm is one of the most significant gaps in the protection of human rights in older age both in the ... the proceedings of all the OEWG meetings but has not taken any active part. 3 Recommendation: The UK Government should take an active role in UN level discussions about proposals for a human rights

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