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  1. FS42w.pdf

    uk Contents Factsheet 42w  February 2024 Obtaining disability equipment and home adaptations in Wales Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 42w  February ... disability equipment and home adaptations 6 2.1 Disability equipment 6 2.2 Adaptations 7 2.3 Differences and overlaps between disability equipment and home adaptations 7 3 Local

  2. Advocacy Newsletter June 207 English.pdf

    and Inspection Act of Social Care (wales) Act 2016 Written Statement - Launch of consultation on phase 2 of implementation of The Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 Local authorities

  3. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    older people in private residential care homes or who are paying the costs of their residential care are protected by the HRA. It also believes that independent home care providers should fall under the remit ... guidance on safeguarding adults. The Law Commission has stated that the legal framework for adult social care consists of an often incoherent patchwork of legislation. Although it has recommended that there be

  4. IL7.pdf

    AgeUKIL7 Home safety checker Staying safe around the home Information and advice you need to help you love later life. We’re Age UK and our goal is to enable older people to love later life. We are ... companies or charities. Date of publication: May 2017. © Age UK 2017 Next review date: May 2019 1 Home safety checker Contents What this guide is about 2 Fire prevention 3 Gas and solid fuel safety 6

  5. What we do

    facing some of the hardest challenges imaginable. Some live in poverty or can’t get the basic care they need to live with dignity. Sadly, older people often have to face these issues with no-one to ... related to growing old. More than half of the unpaid carers are over the age of 50. Many providing care do not see themselves as unpaid carers, are not aware of their rights, don’t know what support

  6. Advocacy Services in Monmouthshire.pdf

    Advocacy Support Cymru 029 2054 0444 Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want support with care and support planning, assessment, review, or safeguarding ? If so they have ... register,LAC, CIN or Care Leavers 0808 808 1001 NYAS / ABHB Health Advocacy Service provides advocacy to CYP under 18 who wish to raise a concern about the Health Care / Service that they

  7. Advocacy Services in Powys.pdf South: 07967808145 Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want support with care and support planning, assessment, review, or safeguarding ? If so they have ... Independent professional advocacy for children/young people who have a care and support plan, are children who are looked after, care leavers or children in the child protection process 0808 1682599 midandwestwales@

  8. RB_Jan16_Age_UK_Briefing_Opposition_Day_Debate_Housing.pdf

    its voice to concerns over the implications of the LHA cap on social housing. Sheltered and extra care scheme could see a decline in services or be forced to close. Some providers have now put a halt to ... to planning new schemes. This could have a significant knock-on effective on the residential care sector, which is already under considerable strain. We are calling for all supported housing to be exempt

  9. Legal advice

    in our lives, whether it’s to sort out a problem with benefits, help you write a will, or sell your home. For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  10. Advocacy Services in Newport.pdf

    Advocacy Support Cymru 029 2054 0444 Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want support with care and support planning, assessment, review, or safeguarding ? If so they have ... register,LAC, CIN or Care Leavers 0808 808 1001 NYAS / ABHB Health Advocacy Service provides advocacy to CYP under 18 who wish to raise a concern about the Health Care / Service that they

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