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  1. FS91.pdf

    uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/8 65598/dmgch29.pdf DWP guidance on income deprivation is at paragraph 28568 onwards at ... uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/5 15170/dmgch84.pdf DWP guidance on income deprivation is at paragraph 85400 onwards at

  2. RB_May14_CPA_Changing_family_structures.pdf

    of ‘generation strain’, the post‐war model of social care needs to change. What  the social care system is currently providing is often neither what people want nor what will prepare us  for an ageing population ... for an ageing population. The authors put forward proposals that will reform the current social care  system in three key ways:  • establishing a different starting point for social care services by asking: ‘what 

  3. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Cym.pdf

    oed gyfeillgar hygyrch a chynhwysol – Yr Athro Judith Phillips OBE Tudalen 14 Gweledigaeth ar gyfer system drafnidiaeth oed gyfeillgar - Dr Charles Musselwhite Tudalen 24 Dewisiadau tai i bobl hŷn - Catherine ... Drafnidiaeth, 2014), er eu bod yn gyrru llai i filltiroedd nag unigolion canol oed. Gweledigaeth ar gyfer system drafnidiaeth oed gyfeillgar yng Nghymru Dr Charles Musselwhite, Darlithydd, Canolfan Heneiddio Arloesol

  4. CRS_June12_No_fault_dismissal_in_micro_businesses.pdf

    older and younger workers. Under a system of nofault dismissal it would, however, be very difficult to prove that discrimination had occurred. Even under the current system, 40 per cent of workers aged 50+

  5. CRS_Dec14_Health_select_committee_inquiry_end_of_life_care.pdf

    to plan properly or encouraged to discuss decisions about their future care. The health and care system is then typically in a reactive mode so that changes in someone’s wellbeing are dealt with in inappropriate ... experience both in end of life care and wider NHS services, can be attributed to the failure of the system to achieve this. Older people can find they are pigeon-holed, often without a detailed assessment

  6. CRS_Aug16_HASC_inquiry_hate_crime_submission.pdf

    of ‘crimes against older people’ referred by the police, flags them on its digital case management system and includes them in its annual report on hate crime. In the latest report, it found that in 2015/16 ... crime. This work is due to be completed by March 2017. 4.3. More broadly the criminal justice system needs to recognise more openly the direct and indirect discrimination that older people face at a

  7. CRS_March14_Banking_Standards_Review.pdf

    including in financial services. Particular areas of focus in the recent past have been payment systems (including work on the future of cheques); access to banking more generally (for example accessibility ... customer base. For example, in the field of accessibility, one may choose to focus on improving systems for those who need some help managing their money, where another could decide it needs to focus on

  8. RB_Nov16_Work_and_Health_Programme.pdf

    increasing the pressure on the employment support infrastructure. If this is not reinforced by a system that is designed specifically to help people approaching State Pension age return to work, then a ... important. The Government – and the independent review of State Pension age – should consider how the system can be improved to enable people to move back to work. The Work and Health Programme will play a

  9. RB_July17_Age_UK_Human_rights_of_older_persons_and_their_comprehensive_care.pdf

    within both residential and nursing homes are far too common. The increased use of covert monitoring systems has provided shocking evidence of deliberate cruelty, incompetence and criminal activity. Like all ... the training and assessment that they organise, with no external validation or quality assurance system. This may lead to issues around certificate portability and variations in quality. Although there

  10. RB_March16_Behind_the_Headlines_Hospital_Discharge.pdf

    and social services, and  Overstretched professionals and administrators, struggling with clunky systems and insufficient resources. The fact is that many older people who go into hospital are already ... situations are hard enough to cope with at the best of times, but made all the worse when processes and systems are under relentless pressure. Older people, families and friends, and all those whose job it is

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