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  1. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Order Form Insert - english and welsh.pdf

    not share your details with any organisations unless required by law. Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales 6837284. Registered office

  2. Advance care planning

    to draw up a will. You could do this through a solicitor, a professional will-writing service, charities that offer this service, your bank, or you could draw up your will yourself. A will is a legal document

  3. RB_Sept14_Pension_receipt_in_the_UK-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    similar, although certain discrepancies are reflected. Being single never married, separated or widowed is associated with higher odds of being in receipt occupational or private pension for women, but ... receiving the Pension Credit than the White British majority. Single never married, separated or widowed older people are more likely to be receiving the Pension Credit than those who are married. Those

  4. RB_July15_Age_UK_loneliness_risk_index_summary.pdf

    Self-reported Health - Fair 1.5819 0.3689 4.2880 0.0000 Household Size -1.0402 0.2402 -4.3310 0.0000 Widowed 1.0317 0.2582 3.9960 0.0001 Self-reported Health - Good 0.9842 0.3640 2.7040 0.0069 Eye conditions

  5. Commissioning IPA Toolkit English Oct 19.pdf

    (Wales) Act (2014) Part 10 Code of Practice (Advocacy) Tel: 029 2043 1555. Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. ©Age Cymru 2017 Creating an age friendly Wales IMCA IMHA Figure 1: Advocacy Services Source: ... independent professional advocacy should be considered / used. Case Study Mr R Mr R is a 75 year old widower living alone. He has restricted mobility and a range of health issues, which are managed with medication

  6. CRS_April14_Payment_Systems_Regulation.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House1-6 Tavistock ... develops specific regulatory options for formal consultation later in 2014. About Age UK Age UK is a charity and a social enterprise driven by the needs and aspirations of people in late life. Our vision is

  7. Spring 2024 - English.pdf

    satisfaction as those you support. Clare currently volunteers as a walk leader for Age Cymru. The charity’s walking groups promote physical activity to improve health and wellbeing. The walks give people ... proposal from a local councillor to raise the social care cap above its current limit of £100. The charity’s chief executive Victoria Lloyd said ‘We don’t think this is the right solution to ensure that people

  8. Newsletter Autumn 2021 English.pdf

    fundraising initiative. We’re inviting supporters to walk, run, or cycle any part of Wales and help the Charity complete the 1,047-mile circumference of the country. As this is a virtual event people can accrue ... 000 claim a few minutes of conversation would make a huge difference to their week. Last year the Charity’s staff and volunteers made thousands of friendship calls to older people across Wales. To download

  9. Age Cymru Emotional health and wellbeing leaflet.pdf

    Emotional health and wellbeing Registered Charity 1128436 32 Myths and misunderstandings Depression affects people of all ages yet it’s commonly misunderstood. This leaflet provides ... families and carers. Tel: 029 2069 2891 Depression Alliance UK This UK charity works to relieve and to prevent depression by providing information and support services to those

  10. CRS_May16_decc_warm_house_discount_scheme.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 1. Introduction Age UK is the country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We help more than 5 million people every year

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