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  1. GE 2019 manifesto - English - Final version.pdf

    those who are furthest from achieving a good later life today. There are huge differences among our older population, with some much luckier and more resilient than others. At the moment life can often be ... spectrum and they are the older people we should worry about the most. At this General Election we want to see every political party bring forward policies to help our older population, those in the greatest

  2. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales E WEB.pdf

    need Wales to be age friendly Our purpose in embarking on such a programme is to ensure that older people are able to live the most fulfilled lives possible in communities across Wales. The changes we ... levels. This is vital at a time when the number of older people in Wales is growing and we are, on average, expected to live longer. Currently many older people are marginalised by a number of factors including

  3. One_Digital_Phase_1_Evaluation-Insight_Report.pdf

    2016, with the aim of understanding if Digital Champions are an effective approach to motivate older people and equip them with the skills and confidence to safely use digital technology. It was delivered ... 160 Digital Champions who promoted the benefits of digital technology to 3858 older people and supported 1274 older people to learn new digital skills. Digital Champions are individuals who register to

  4. Become a corporate partner

    partner of Age Cymru, together we can change older people's lives and bring lasting benefits to your company too. Why partner with us? Thousands of older people across Wales are facing some of the hardest ... enterprising corporate partners to work with us to help make a real difference to the lives of these older people. Working together in partnership, we can make a difference. Ways we can work together As a corporate

  5. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (Summary Booklet.pdf

    Programme Supporting older people to achieve a healthier lifestyle fit for the future was a person-centred programme to improve the physical health and mental wellbeing of older people living with at least ... member or volunteer met with an older person and developed with them a personal, tailored plan to suit their health and wellbeing needs. The support provided to older people included sign-posting, referrals

  6. Transport policy statement - January 2022.pdf

    helping older people to maintain independence and well-being. Such transport networks can ensure communities are wellconnected and that services, facilities and amenities are accessible to older people. Without ... there is an increased risk that isolation and loneliness will impact upon people’s wellbeing. It is essential that older people in all areas have the means to get out to buy food, get medical attention

  7. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2012_2013.pdf

    About Age UK Age UK has a vision of a world where older people flourish. We are here to stand up for the 14 million people in the UK and 846 million people internationally who have now reached later life ... alone. Together with our partners we provided information and advice to over 5.2 million people and helped older people navigate a complex and confusing benefits system, identifying £145 million in benefits

  8. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.pdf

    Information, advice and advocacy May 2021 Summary Good quality information and advice is essential for older people. Factually accurate and impartial information and advice help us to make informed decisions, plan ... and entitlements and contribute to society. Advocacy services are essential to ensure that every older person has a voice and receives the support they need. The Social Services and Well-being (Wales)

  9. CRS_June2014_APPG_Food_Hunger_response_June_2014.pdf

    support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations. Poverty remains the reality of life for many older people ... million older people are malnourished suggesting a different dimension to hunger in the UK. We welcome the opportunity to submit evidence to the APPG’s inquiry. Poverty and low income among older people

  10. EnvisAGE16_ENG_web.pdf

    EnvisAGE A spotlight on the mental health and wellbeing of older people No. 16 2023/24 Featured articles Page 2 Introduction – Ceri Cryer, Age Cymru Page 5 Unequal access to and provision of mental health ... health services – Dr Lis Boulton, Age UK Page 9 The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on older people’s mental health and wellbeing – Sam Young, Age Cymru Page 13 The impact of caring on health in Wales

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