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  1. Glenys Thomas and Shirley Phillips

    above and the sense of achievement. The social aspect is most enjoyable closely followed by the improvement in mine and the class’s health and wellbeing. It feels good to be a part of a close unit we have

  2. CRS_May17_Intermediate_care_including_reablement.pdf

    covers the topics of crisis response, home-based intermediate care, bed-based intermediate care and reablement. These collectively aim to help people:  Safely return home from hospital.  Effectively recover ... the draft (available online here). Age UK welcomes this guideline as a positive contribution to improving older people’s recovery and reablement outside of hospital and in raising the standard of support

  3. FS40w.pdf Factsheet 40w  August 2024 Deprivation of assets in the means test for care home provision in Wales Factsheet 40w  August 2024 ... help from your local authority and the financial means test for care home provision 6 3.1 Assessment of needs and eligibility for services 7 3.2 The Welsh Government’s guidance

  4. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    activities ........................................................................................ 27 Improving living environments ........................................................................... ... interventions for community-dwelling older people rather than those in residential or nursing care homes, because of the relevance to services Age UKs may be able to provide. ‘Normal’ brain ageing The average

  5. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    achieve its objectives through the provision of holistic, coordinated services and activities which improve participants’ quality of life and enable them to maintain their independence for longer, while delaying ... people  Older people participating in fit for the future often emphasised the connections between improved physical and mental well-being when they explained what the main benefits of the programme were

  6. Blueprint for older people in Wales.pdf

    Government Broadcasting Agriculture and Rural Affairs Defence Culture Foreign Affairs Economic Development Home Security Education Immigration Environment International Development Health Justice and Policing Housing ... local Age Cymru partners and Age Orkney. Together with our local Age Cymru partners, we work to improve the lives of older people by delivering trusted advice and support services. We campaign, we research

  7. RB_Feb17_The_Health_and_Care_of_Older_People_in_England_2017.pdf

    authorities reported dealing with at least one home care provider who had ceased trading in their area and 77 local authorities reported dealing with at least one care home which had ceased trading in their area ... cent for home care staff. Turnover rates have risen from 22.7 per cent to 27.3 per cent a year over the same three year period (page 31). 96 per cent of older people who fund their own care home placement

  8. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks_.pdf

    steps isn’t good as my eyesight’s fading. Better do something before it’s too late” Keeping Active Home Safety Jack & Jill and Nan: We talk about so many things but not about how we can keep ourselves ... or misjudging gradients if our sight is not tip-top” Jack & Jill: Try and organise things at home so that you don’t need to climb, stretch, or bend too much. Don’t stand on a chair to reach up to

  9. Covid Survey 2022 - English - 040322.pdf

    _____________________________________________________________ A2. What do you think could be done to improve communication and updates regarding the Covid-19 pandemic? _____________________________________ ... apply)  Help from family / friends  Help from local community volunteers / local Council  Improved quality of life  More time  Less pressure  Learned a new skill  Help to get online enabling

  10. FS48.pdf

    2 Change of circumstances with no AIP 21 8.3 If you go into hospital 22 8.4 If you go into a care home 22 Age UK factsheet 48 April 2024 Pension Credit Page 3 of 30 8.5 If you go abroad 23 8.6 If PC stops ... treated as living alone. ‘Living alone’ You can be treated as if you live alone even if you share your home with other people. The following people are ignored: ⚫ someone receiving AA, DLA middle or high rate

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