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  1. Domestic abuse

    Domestic abuse is defined by the Home Office as “Incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse... by someone who is or has been an intimate

  2. Carers Guide FINAL (Eng).pdf

    of thousands of unpaid carers in Wales, providing care for family, friends, and neighbours. It’s estimated that unpaid carers provide 96% of all care provided in our communities in Wales, and that collectively ... collectively they save public services a massive £8 billion each year. Providing care for someone can sometimes be difficult. It can affect your employment, your finances and both your physical and mental

  3. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    August 2019 Summary The Welsh Government defines a carer as “anyone of any age, who provides unpaid care and support to a relative, friend or neighbour who is disabled, physically or mentally ill, or affected ... over, and 131,120 aged between 50 and 64. 103,594 people in Wales provide over 50 hours of unpaid care per week.3 It is likely that the actual proportion of older carers is higher than these results.

  4. CSR_March13_OHCH_Rights_of_older_people.pdf

    and housing, employment, legal capacity, access to justice, health support, long-term and palliative care. About Age UK Age UK is a charity and a social enterprise driven by the needs and aspirations of ... guilty for ‘having provoked’ the abuse, dependency upon the abuser, isolation, and lack of contact with care providers or criminal justice agencies. It is also the case that the wide range of types of abuse

  5. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021 (4).pdf

    People across Wales, including those living in care homes, have seen their human rights breached and some of their access to advocacy, health and social care suspended during the pandemic, finds a ... formal capacity assessments or consultation with family. More than forty percent of advocates said care providers had stopped all visitors and almost a third reported that people were being confined to

  6. CRS_Nov15_NHS_Mandate_2016_17.pdf

    government that risk undermining the aims of the mandate, in particular the continued squeeze on social care budgets and the cuts to public health funding for local authorities.  We believe that any settlement ... front-loaded to support the embedding of new models of care while preserving existing access to services.  Older people are the main users of health and care services and the overall levels of need in this population

  7. Advocacy Newsletter October 2017 English.pdf

         Page 4 Page 5       New proposals to transform care by raising standards and giving care work a higher status        Information and Guidance on Domestic Abuse:

  8. CRS_Nov15_Mental_Capacity_and_Deprevation_of_Liberty.pdf

    Wales should regulate deprivations of liberty involving people who lack capacity to consent to their care and treatment arrangements. The current Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) have been subject ... of any new scheme will be crucial. • A core principle of the new scheme should be that restrictive care or treatment should only be sanctioned as a measure of last resort. For older people, too often, at

  9. RB_Mar2014_ fear_of_Crime.pdf

    susceptible to fear of crime  Fear of crime is associated with reduced social networking outside the home  Fear of crime is associated with depression, poor self-reported health and low quality of life WHICH ... large variations in reported fear of crime: 49% of older people in South Africa felt unsafe alone at home, compared to only 3% in China. Older women and poor older people are consistently more afraid of

  10. CRS_Oct15_Dementia_inquiry_into_dementia_and_comorbidities.pdf

    to cope with and will complicate care planning. An understanding of the interplay with other conditions is therefore crucial to treatment and to our understanding of care for people with dementia. How we ... comorbidities accompanying dementiav - also emphasises the need to provide person-centred, integrated care services which are suited to catering for a wide range of individual needs within a local population

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