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  1. Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy Project DL Leaflet - updated 11-8-23 + QPM.pdf

    life. What is Dementia Advocacy Living with dementia can be daunting. There are new health care systems to understand and new challenges to face in all walks of life. Living with dementia doesn’t mean

  2. Age Cymru Access to Dentistry inquiry written submission Sept 2022.pdf

    the stage where he will be able to have dentures fitted. He told us he feels let down by the same system that was happy for him to provide unpaid care to his late wife for 25 years and is upset that the ... another option for the majority of older people that they can afford. 2. Creation of a two-tier system Though many responses to our survey spoke of delays, it was clear that even with delays in access

  3. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    bod yn bwysig bod eiriolwr proffesiynol annibynnol yn cael ei ystyried. Nid oedd Mrs V yn deall y system, nid oedd ganddi unrhyw un a allai eirioli ar ei rhan, ac ar yr adeg honno roedd tensiwn rhwng yr ... ddymuno a’r hyn yr oedd ei mab yn gallu ei gynnig iddi. Cytunodd Mrs V ar IPA, a oedd yn gallu egluro’r system iddi hi a rhoddwyd cynllun gofal ar waith ar ei chyfer a chynigiwyd asesiad gofalwyr i’w mab. Sylw:

  4. Fuel Poverty policy statement - October 2017.pdf

    covering the whole of Wales, for people whose health is at risk because of a breakdown of their heating system. 4 Fuel poverty This policy statement covers:  The scale of fuel poverty in Wales  Energy ... and improved 1971 properties. Given that minor improvements or adaptations to homes and heating systems can have significant impacts on the amount of heating lost from properties it is also important that

  5. CRS_April16_Submission_FCA_paper_on_ageing_population_and_financial_services.pdf

    on older customers, an emerging issue of considerable concern.8 2.4 Age friendly banking  Many systems and processes are not yet age friendly, eg design and placement of some ATMs, call centre and customer ... yet done to weed scammers out of the banking system. Scammers set up reception accounts at different banks from their victims and use the faster payments system to steal large amounts of money, clearing the

  6. Valuing Voices in Wales - English - October 2020.pdf

    only the restrictions that the pandemic brought but also the wider societal and cultural belief systems and attitudes towards people who are supported through advocacy. The sample size might appear small ... number of advocates working across Wales who are in a unique position to identify weaknesses in systems and blanket abuses of rights. There are widespread and profound concerns about the impact of the

  7. Health services and the NHS policy statement - February 2019.pdf

    response to a Parliamentary Review,4 Welsh Government set out a long term future vision of a whole system approach to health and social care, building on prudent healthcare and focussed on health and wellbeing ... checks, vigilance is maintained to ensure its recommendations continue to be implemented. Robust systems to ensure the identification of failures in fundamentals of care – such as those found by the Andrews

  8. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    Department for Transport Accessibility Action Plan Consultation: A Transport System that is open to everyone November 2017 joe.oldman@ageuk ... deserves proper investment. - Where a train breaks down all train operators need to have better systems to ensure that older and disabled people are given priority access to replacement services, including

  9. Carers inquiry - October 2018.pdf

    independence as they age. Carers play a vital role in service provision that the health and social care systems are unable to cover. A small shortfall in the care provided by informal carers would have a large ... support that is available to them. 20. It may also be due to the nature of the initial contact systems. Although a single point of access to social services has been welcomed in some areas, it has been

  10. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    as ‘Mr Khan’ or ‘Mrs Campbell’. 18 Telephone menu systems Older people often prefer to speak to a person than navigate automated telephone menu systems. Again, this informs people’s choice of company. ‘I ... with me and I feel listened to. Also, I can pick up the phone and talk to a person not an automated system.’ (Female, Derby) Part of the challenge is being given the menu options more quickly than people

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