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  1. Annual_review_201516_lowres.pdf

    #ProudtobeAgeUK A review of 2015/16 We’re Age UK Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We are national In the UK we help more than seven million people ... of a network of independent charities which includes Age UK; our national partners Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland and over 150 local Age UK partners in England. We are international We work with our

  2. Age Cymru - Report on the current experiences of people aged 50 or over across Wales of the Covid-19 pandemic, and views on the year ahead - June 2022.pdf

    People’s Alliance (COPA), Welsh Senate of Older People, Active Wales, National Pensioners Convention Wales, and Pensioners Forum Wales worked in partnership to understand the current experiences of people ... they live alone, and 15% of respondents are on the shielding list. 74% of respondents identify as women and 23% identify as men, two respondents identify as non-binary, and 2% of respondents preferred not

  3. RB_Oct11_age_regulations_five_years_on.pdf

    1 The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations were introduced in to UK law on 1 October 2006. They were aimed at securing the legal rights of older workers and engendering a cultural change towards more ... Employment practices towards older workers have seen only a slight improvement since October 2006, which Age UK finds extremely disappointing. However, there have been very slight positive changes across most aspects

  4. Age Cymru – May 2022 - Consultation response - Economic and rural impact of cost of living pressures - The Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee.pdf

    Older households are defined as households with at least one person aged 60 or over 2 2022-23 3 Age UK analysis of Living Cost & Food Survey 2019-20. Figures projected to 2022. Spending patterns are assumed ... households with the lowest household income after-tax (i.e. those in the lowest income decile). 5 Age UK analysis of Living Cost & Food Survey 2019-20. Figures projected to 2022. Spending patterns are assumed

  5. know_your_energy_rights.pdf

    the energy ombudsman, free of charge. Resolver takes the hassle out of complaining is a free online tool and app that offer consumer guidance and simplifies the process of complaining ... energy A warm, cosy home can help us all get through the cold winter months. Here are some tips from Age UK to help you make the most of your energy and stay warm this winter: • Draw your curtains in the evenings

  6. CRS_May17_Intermediate_care_including_reablement.pdf

    where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Name: Jake Beech Email: Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square ... Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267

  7. RB_Dec16_No_one_Should_Have_No_one.pdf

    What is Age UK doing to address loneliness? 05 What have we learnt? 10 What can you do to prevent and tackle loneliness? 12 References 15 Further information Back cover About Age UK Age UK is the country’s ... later life. Age UK provides a wide range of services and its information and advice reached nearly 6 million people last year. The Age UK network comprises more than 150 local Age UKs covering most of

  8. This is older - English.pdf

    someone’s face. V We need to be cautious about defining someone by their income from the state, eg ‘Pensioner’ and consider whether we are reinforcing stereotypes with the language we use. Are you promoting

  9. Cooling down.pdf

    your participants are relaxed and revitalised and that their bodies have returned to a pre-activity state. Mobilising exercises from the warm up can be included here and should be done at a slower pace.

  10. CRS_Sept14_Personal_independence_payment_independent_review.pdf

    Consultation Response Age UK’s response to the Personal Independence Payment Independent Review September 2014 Sally West Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square ... Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number

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