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  1. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales E WEB.pdf

    vision. • We believe Wales could be the first truly age friendly country in Europe. A g e C y m r u ’s k ey me s s a g e s Equality 6 Goal 1: Equality, rights and participation Why this is important Rights ... retirement, or those who are seeking to improve their skills. However, a number of barriers need to be addressed to enable older people to make these contributions. Negative attitudes towards older people and

  2. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Perf_Arts_E.pdf

    standing: With lively music playing, encourage residents to tap their feet or clap their hands to the beat: E.g. 8 taps on head, 8 on shoulders, 8 on tummy, 8 on the lap (thighs). Then repeat with 4 taps each, ... Residents can really let their imaginations fly! 3 Creating an age friendly Wales Performing Arts Your favourite story Everyone has a favourite book, film or story. This exercise enables

  3. Age Cymru Domiciliary Care Report 2015 (e).pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Improving domiciliary care for older people in Wales. The view of Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales Social care      

  4. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 8 E FINAL 3.pdf

    Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD Tel: 029 2043 1555 Fax: 029 2047 1418 E-mail: Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company

  5. GCBH-Engage_your_brain.pdf

    Engage Your Brain: GCBH Recommendations on Cognitively Stimulating Activities The Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) is an independent collaborative of scientists, health professionals, scholars and ... experts from a broad array of disciplines and perspectives. BACKGROUND: ABOUT GCBH AND ITS WORK Engage Your Brain: GCBH Recommendations on Cognitively Stimulating Activities 1 Cognitively stimulating activities

  6. HOPE referral form - April 23.docx

    self-referral) Name: In what capacity the referrer knows the person :Agency (if relevant) and address:Postcode: Tel no: E-mail: Date of referral: Outline of the Advocacy issue: Personal details of the person being ... o Male o FemaleDate of birth: Age: Carer: Yes No Address (Permanent/Temporary): Postcode: Tel no: Mobile: E-mail : Cultural/ethnic origin (ask the person/family): Religion: First language:

  7. Age Cymru Hope Project A5 Volunteers Flyer NATIONAL + QPM BILINGUAL - updated Dec 23.pdf

    Independent Volunteer Advocate HOPE needs your help to support people (50+) and carers in your community To become an Independent Volunteer Advocate please e-mail Age Cymru, Ground ... Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff, CF24 5TD Tel: 029 2043 1555 E-mail: Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company

  8. In your area

    We have local Age Cymru partners across Wales, find your local office.

  9. Adapting your home

    Find out what types of home adaptations could help make your home life easier.

  10. Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy Project A5 Flyer FINAL.pdf

    to: • Understand your accommodation options? • Understand the choices you can make? • Access the services you need? • Stay connected to the things that matter to you? • Know your rights, and make sure ... respected and upheld? • Feel safe and get the help you need when you need it? • Have your voice heard in all aspects of your life? • Have a voice in meetings? Dementia Advocacy: supporting you to be heard and

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