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  1. CRS_Sept15_Age_UK_submission_to_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_on_benefit_delivery.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Inquiry into Benefit Delivery September 2015 Ref No. 4015 Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock ... Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number

  2. RB_Sept14_Building_an_income_for_retirement.pdf

    Building an income for retirement: approaches to encourage more pension saving A discussion paper by Age UK Using the National Institute of Economic and Social Research’s LINDA model 2 Building ... Building an income for retirement – approaches to encourage more pension saving A discussion paper by Age UK Using the National Institute of Economic and Social Research’s LINDA model September 2014

  3. RB_Sept12_A_means_to_many_ends_older_workers'_experiences_of_flexible_working.pdf

    A means to many ends Older workers’ experiences of flexible working Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company ... registered address is Tavis House 1–6 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9NA. Age Concern England (registered charity number 261794) and Help the Aged (registered charity number 272786), and their trading and other

  4. Pay tribute to the life of a loved one

    A donation made in memory of your loved one will support our vital work in creating an age friendly Wales.

  5. Age Matters

    Age Matters is the quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru

  6. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    Helping consumers with small Defined Contribution pension pots make decisions about retirement income Age UK discussion paper, written by Dominic Lindley, independent consultant (December ... jam-jars Helping consumers with small Defined Contribution pension pots make decisions about retirement income Age UK discussion paper, written by Dominic Lindley, independent consultant, December 2014

  7. RB_Sept12_npi_Affordability_Of_Retirement_Housing_In_The_UK.pdf

    AFFORDABILITY OF RETIREMENT HOUSING IN THE UK SEPTEMBER 2012 HANNAH ALDRIDGE, PETER KENWAY AND JENNY PANNELL Affordability of retirement housing in the UK 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Summary 3 Research ... ........................ 3 Retirement housing ........................................................................................ 3 State help with costs in retirement housing for pensioners ....

  8. Our work

    Find out more information about the projects and services we run with and for older people in Wales

  9. RB_Sept16_After_the_Referendum.pdf

    1 After the EU Referendum: Policy priorities for older people September 2016 Contact: 2 1. Introduction Following the ‘Leave’ vote in the European Union ... older people’s lives, what are the questions that older people have raised with us, and what will be Age UK’s priorities, as the policy agenda develops, to ensure a better later life for everyone, no matter

  10. Moving abroad or returning to the UK to live

    Information and advice for people considering moving to live abroad in retirement.

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