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  1. End of life issues

    Thinking about the end of life can be difficult, but being well informed can help us stay in control of the way we die.

  2. Assistive technology

    Telecare and telehealth can help us live independently and stay in control of our own health and wellbeing.

  3. Tell me more consent WEL.pdf

    Ffurflen Ganiatâd Prosiect Dywedwch Fwy Mae Dywedwch Fwy yn brosiect peilot a hoffai glywed gan eich preswylwyr am eu meddyliau a’u teimladau, a sut mae pethau wedi bod iddynt dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Er mwyn ein helpu gyda’n gwerthusiad o’r prosiect, rydym yn annog aelod o staff a phreswylwyr i lenwi’r ffurflen ganiatâd. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â: Suzy Webster, Rheolwr

  4. Tell Me More Project Consent_ENG.docx

    Tell Me More Project Consent Form Tell Me M ore is a pilot project that would like to hear from your residents about their thoughts and feelings and how things have been for them over the last year. To ... To help us with our evaluation of the project we encourage a member of staff and residents to complete this consent form.If you have any que stions, please contact:Suzy Webster, Care Home Network Manager

  5. WRO DT WASP summit 20180928.pdf

    Scams and nuisance calls David Teague Regional Manager, ICO Who is this man? “Cold calling capital of the UK” - ICO, March 2016 11,824 complaints 5,973 automated calls 4,521 TPS complaints 60 spam email ... distressing…waking me up when I need to be sleeping” “I have a toddler and an autistic 7 year old. Unwanted phone calls on the landline wake sleeping kids up, cause anxiety and can lead to my son becoming

  6. Legacy A4 Brochure_English (WEB).pdf

    legacy to Wales… …what’s yours going to be? Making a Will is so important. It gives you the peace of mind that your loved ones are cared for and your wishes are met. It also means you can make a huge ... difference to those needing help and support by leaving a gift to a charity. We at Age Cymru believe that no one should spend later life feeling vulnerable and alone, and by remembering us in your Will

  7. About us

    national charity for older people in Wales. Our family includes local Age Cymru partners who provide vital services to older people in their area. Our national partners, Age NI   Age Scotland and Age

  8. What is abuse?

    The list below outlines the main forms of abuse that can affect adults who need care and support

  9. Glossary of online terms

    that you can download for your computer, tablet or mobile phone. There are hundreds of different apps available, some for free, which do lots of different things, from playing games and puzzles, to helping ... helping you remember to take your medications, or allowing you to access your bank account. Attachment Files, such as photos, documents or programs, which are sent along with an email. Browser The computer

  10. Wwellbeing and advocacy excerise.pdf

    opportunities are available and use these to help me achieve my well-being. I can access the right information, when I need it, in the way I want it and use this to manage and improve my wellbeing. ... and listened to. My individual circumstances are considered. I speak for myself and contribute to the decisions that affect my life, or have someone who can do it for me. 2

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