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  1. Pensions advice

    Advice and information on pensions

  2. Workplace pensions

    Heard about workplace pensions and auto-enrolment but aren't sure what that means for you? Find out more here.

  3. CRS_Aug15_Pension_freedom_guidance_advice.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK evidence to Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry: Pension freedom guidance and advice 28 August 2015 Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock ... disadvantaged groups.  Pension Wise needs to be expanded, more actively promoted, and available throughout retirement. The website should include more tailored information.  Pension Wise should be complemented

  4. Armed Forces pensions

    Armed Forces pensions could be going unclaimed by thousands of veterans in Wales each year – support which rightfully belongs to those who have served their country, and which could help transform their

  5. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Booklet - English.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? Creating an age friendly Wales We are Age Cymru. Age Cymru is the leading charity for all older people in Wales. We campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure ... information and advice while offering a free, impartial and confidential service. Age Cymru Advice can assist older people themselves, their family, friends, carers, or professionals. Our advice line If

  6. CRS_June14_Freedom_choice_in_pensions.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Freedom and choice in pensions Date: June 2014 No: 0814 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or ... to access their defined contribution pension savings. From April 2015 there will no longer be a requirement to purchase an annuity from a defined contribution pension pot. The Government also proposes

  7. RB_Sept14_Ethnicity_and_occupational_pension.pdf

    occupational pension membership in the UK Athina Vlachantoni, Zhixin Frank Feng, Maria Evandrou and Jane Falkingham Reflecting a relatively low-value Basic State Pension, occupational pensions have historically ... historically been a key aspect of pension protection within Britain. Existing research shows that minority ethnic groups are less likely to benefit from such pensions and are more likely to face poverty in

  8. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Booklet - Welsh.pdf

    Cyngor Age Cymru: Sut allwn ni helpu? Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Age Cymru ydym ni. Age Cymru yw’r elusen arweiniol ar gyfer pobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Rydym yn ymgyrchu, ymchwilio a chodi arian, i sicrhau ein bod yn creu bywyd gwell i bobl hŷn. Rydym yn sicrhau bod lleisiau pobl hŷn yn cael eu clywed, rydym yn herio ac yn newid agweddau, rydym yn brwydro yn erbyn gwahaniaethu lle bynnag y daw i’n

  9. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Order Form Insert - english and welsh.pdf

    order using the form below and complete your details overleaf. There’s no limit to the amount you can order and postage and packaging is free. Please note that while some resources are bilingual, others ... and wellbeing: Preventative measures Title of Publication Ref. No. Quantity Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? (bilingual guide) AC0001 Age Cymru Advice business cards (bilingual - two sided) AC0002 Age

  10. More money in your pocket

    Every year, it's estimated that more than £200m worth of Pension Credit and other state benefits goes unclaimed by older people in Wales. We can help make sure you're not missing out.

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