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  1. Neglect

    Describes what constitutes neglect

  2. This is Older Image Library tender document .pdf

    1 Tender Notice This is Older Image Library SECTION I: CONTRACTING ORGANISATION I.1) NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Contact: Victoria Lloyd, Chief Executive Address: Age Cymru, Mariners ... by guarantee Charity number: 1128436 Background to Age Cymru Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales and is the force combining Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales. The Charity

  3. Care Homes

    Find out more information about how we work with care homes in Wales

  4. RB_apr14_services-what_works_spreads.pdf

    Improving later life. Services for older people – what works. Age UK works to improve later life for the 14 million older people in the UK. We do this by addressing health inequality, reducing loneliness ... to thank Professor Martin Knapp from the National Institute of Health Research’s School for Social Care Research, and Professor Alan Walker from the New Dynamics of Ageing, for help identifying authors

  5. Preserving what matters report v5.pdf

    Preserving what matters : integrating mental health into care home transitions Mental health affects us all, regardless of age or ability. Like physical health, it’s something we all manage throughout ... undertake research into the mental health of older adults in care homes in Wales. Our report produced in March 2023 showed that many people living in care homes in Wales regularly experience poor mental health

  6. Paying for a care home

    Most people will be expected to pay something towards the costs of their accommodation and personal care from their income and capital.

  7. This is Older Image Library tender document CYMRAEG.pdf

    1 Hysbysiad o Dendr Llyfrgell Ddelweddau Dyma Beth yw Heneiddio / This is Older ADRAN I: SEFYDLIAD CONTRACTIO I.1) ENW, CYFEIRIADAU A PHWYNT(IAU) CYSWLLT: Cyswllt: Victoria Lloyd, Prif Weithredwr ... Heneiddio / This is Older, a ariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, yn archwilio’r ffordd y mae pobl hŷn yn cael eu cynrychioli yn y cyfryngau. Cefndir Dyma Beth yw Heneiddio / This is Older Nod y prosiect

  8. How to find the help you need at home

    Types of care support

  9. 20171901Chargingforcareandsupport.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Charging for care and support – new regulations Welsh Government January 2017 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of ... for social care and support. Are there any consequences of the decision to increase the capital limit that you would wish to make Welsh Government aware of? Paying for residential care in later life

  10. What do executors do

    Information on what executors do.

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