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  1. 20210917 Local Government and Housing Cttee - Age Cymru response (1).pdf

    to be age friendly. Public transport infrastructure Issues raised relating to public transport infrastructure included problems with physical accessibility to public transport. Walking distances to bus

  2. Citizens Voice Body consultation response - Age Cymru March 2023 (1).pdf

    older people over the last year, older people told us that reductions in the availability of public transport meant that they were struggling more to get to vital appointments when services that would normally ... all households4 and are more reliant on public transport. Even in cases where the service had moved only as far as a neighbouring town, public transport options did not fit in with appointment times. As

  3. What matters to you?

    and shaped policy and campaigning through the organisations involved. From health to employment, transport to communication, finances to social care, we want to hear what matters to you. How to complete

  4. Survey Outline Covid 19 v4.docx

    (information, hospital or GP appointment, visit from carer / social worker, help with daily living, transport)C2. What are you looking forward to as lockdown eases? (e.g. seeing family / friends, hairdressing ... loss of support provided during lockdown, feeling safe, using distancing / masks, using public transport, access to public toilets, resumption of clubs / groups)C4. What would support you to engage with

  5. What matters to you

    and shaped policy and campaigning through the organisations involved. From health to employment, transport to communication, finances to social care, we want to hear what matters to you. How to complete

  6. Assist and Connect Volunteer Role Description.pdf

    restore their connections with their local community • Providing transport to help people in your community unable to use public transport to stay active, independent and social • You might take them to

  7. 2020 amendments WWU – English.pdf

    such as social distancing and the wearing of face coverings in indoor public places, or on public transport. Again, check the Welsh Government website for current advice. • Page 7: this section contains

  8. age_cymru_manifesto_ENG.pdf

    them • Work with local authorities and community and public transport providers to support a sustainable, integrated and accessible transport network across Wales, to ensure that older people remain connected

  9. Picking up.pdf

    tissue, cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm. 8. Public transport should be avoided where possible. In cases where taking public transport is unavoidable, ensure to disinfect the items before delivering

  10. Shopping.pdf

    tissue, cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm. 10. Public transport should be avoided where possible. In cases where taking public transport is unavoidable, disinfect the items before being delivered

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