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  1. CRS_Aug17_Age UK's_response_to_DWP_social_fund_funeral_payments_consultation.pdf

    particularly issue for low income homeowners since 2013 when Council Tax Benefit was replaced by the local authority system of Council Tax Support which is not a qualifying benefit (even though for pensioners ... Benefit who has the same level of income (or higher) could receive one. We therefore believe Council Tax Support should be included as a qualifying benefit.

  2. Sign-up to receive a friendship call

    below. // Create your own user feedback survey If you'd prefer a paper version, please download and return as instructed at the bottom of the form. Friendship call registration form Alternatively, please

  3. What matters to you?

    What matters to you? Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales Or download a copy and return it to or via our freepost address: Age Cymru, FREEPOST RTZG-JHGC-RYJJ, Ground ... experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales Or call 029 2043 1555 for a paper copy of the survey and return it to or via our freepost address: Age Cymru, FREEPOST RTZG-JHGC-RYJJ, Ground

  4. What pension options do I have?

    what best suits your needs. Each option comes with its own set of rules, fees, benefits, risks and tax issues. Deciding what to do with your pension pot can be complicated – there are many factors ... authority's Council Tax Reduction Scheme Income Support Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance Income-related Employment and Support Allowance If you spend or give away money (including tax-free cash) from your

  5. CRS_Jan17_Handbook_changes_to_reflect_introduction_Lifetime_ISA.pdf

    aged under 40, while payments attracting a government bonus of 25 per cent – equivalent to basic rate tax relief on pensions – can continue until age 50. Any money not used to buy a house can be withdrawn ... protection, under the headings of Complexity, Employer Pension Contributions, Investments, Access and Tax. Key points and recommendations  We broadly agree with the FCA’s assessment of the risks to consumer

  6. RB_April15_Winter_fuel_payment_briefing.pdf

    the same happened with WFP. Taxing the WFP Others have proposed that the WFP should be taxed. Age UK does not support this policy. It would increase the complexity of the tax system and could, for example ... example, require more older people to fill in tax returns. Once the additional administrative costs of this were factored in any savings would be likely to be modest. Only around half of people aged 65 have

  7. FS25.pdf

    Page 1 of 22 Factsheet 25 Returning from abroad December 2023 About this factsheet If you are a British national over State Pension age who moved abroad but are now considering moving back to live permanently ... the Useful organisations section. Age UK factsheet 25 December 2023 Returning from abroad Page 2 of 22 Contents 1 Is a return to the UK right for you? 3 2 Habitual Residence and ordinary residence

  8. IL8.pdf

    Valuing the estate 12. Sorting out finances 13. Dealing with any assets 15. Paying any Inheritance Tax 17. Applying for probate 18. Distributing the estate 20. Useful organisations 21. 4 What this guide ... and money due to the estate of the person who’s died (including property). • Pay any outstanding taxes and debts (out of the estate). • Distribute the estate to the people who are entitled to it under

  9. What matters to you

    social care, we want to hear what matters to you. How to complete our survey Download a copy and return it to or via our freepost address: Age Cymru, FREEPOST RTZG-JHGC-RYJJ, Ground ... experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales Or call 029 2043 1555 for a paper copy of the survey and return it to or via our freepost address: Age Cymru, FREEPOST RTZG-JHGC-RYJJ, Ground

  10. Cartrefu Infographic - English 14.08.20.pdf

    and economic outcomes and uses monetary values to represent them. Staff confidence E F SROI Social return on investment£ From this analysis, it was discovered that cARTrefu delivers a social value of between ... investment. Based on rigorous evaluation and assumptions based on previous research, the estimated Social Return on Investment is £6.48 for every pound invested during the first two years. cARTrefu also influenced

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